Unleashing Urges *light smut*

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As Sasori paced around his apartment, his mind couldn't help but dwell on Sakura's relationship with Sasuke. His usual calm composure was shattered, replaced by a growing feeling of jealousy that consumed him. Determined to find a way to win her back, his friends noticed his troubled state.

Sasori glanced at Deidara and spoke up, preemptively addressing the subject on everyone's minds. "Yes, it's about Sakura."

Confusion etched on Deidara's face as he responded, "Again, Sasori? Is jealousy getting the best of you?"

Disregarding the remark, Sasori sighed and explained his predicament. "It's infuriating how she can just end things, move on, and find herself in another relationship. Can you believe it?"

Kisame chimed in, curiosity evident in his voice. "So what's your plan, Sasori? Do you want to break them up?"

Sasori's frustration grew as he ran his hands through his hair. "I don't know yet. Right now, I just need to talk to her alone."

Leaning back, Deidara interjected, "Sasori, we're aware of how possessive you can be, especially when it comes to Sakura."

Sasori shot Deidara a sharp glare, asking, "What do you mean by that?"

Kisame rubbed the back of his head, trying to diffuse the tension. "We know you've been... keeping an eye on her."

Sasori's eyes widened in surprise. "I've only been doing it to ensure her safety. I don't know Sasuke."

Deidara and Kisame exchanged incredulous looks. "Well, we're your friends, and we don't want you to do anything foolish that could get you in trouble. You almost did before... because of..." Deidara trailed off.

"What I did to Sakura was for her own safety," Sasori retorted defensively.

He was well aware of his love for Sakura. He knew that his actions towards her weren't born out of hatred but out of genuine concern. However, she failed to see it that way.

"So, working with Sasuke has nothing to do with Sakura?" Kisame probed.

"Are you forgetting that this is how businesses operate? It's not solely about Sakura," Sasori sighed, trying to make his point clear.

Rolling his eyes, Deidara waved off the conversation. "Okay, whatever you say. So, what do you want us to do?"

"For now, nothing. I'm keeping a low profile, and I've had people keep an eye on her. It's for her own safety," Sasori tried to convince his friends of his intentions, but it seemed like he needed to convince himself as well.

This was all for Sakura's well-being. He loved her.


Sakura noticed Ino and Hinata at their planned meeting spot in the mall. Ino and Hinata waved Sakura over, and Ino had a mischievous grin on her face.

"Hey, Sakura! Ready to check out some lingerie?" Ino said, quite loudly.

Sakura's face turned red as she whispered, "Why are you always so loud? People don't need to know."

Ino rolled her eyes and replied, "Even when talking about something as innocent as lingerie, you still get flustered. I bet you're even more freakier than me."

Sakura rolled her eyes back, saying, "Whatever, Ino. Let's just go."

Hinata blushed and glanced around nervously, while Ino started browsing through the racks, enthusiastically suggesting different options to Sakura.

"Look at this one, Sakura! It'll look so sexy on you. Sasuke would definitely like that," Ino exclaimed, holding up a red lingerie piece.

Sakura's cheeks flushed at the sight. She hesitated and then asked, "Oh, umm... where are the matching underwear? Does it not come with any?"

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