Unbridled Courage

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Warning: sensitive scenes relating to self harm/kidnapping/abuse/violence in the next chapters.


As the group of friends gathered in Naruto's apartment, their anticipation and anxiety filled the room. The atmosphere was heavy with worry as they awaited any news about Sakura. Ino and Hinata found solace on the couch, tears streaming down their faces, while Naruto, Suigetsu, and Kiba stood silently, unable to fathom the gravity of the situation.

Hinata was burdened by guilt, "I just feel so guilty. We knew about what Sasori did to her, she told us," she confessed, her voice filled with remorse as she sank deeper into the couch. The weight of her knowledge and the emotional toll it took on her were only intensified by her pregnancy hormones.

Ino, attempting to comfort Hinata, reassured her that no one could have predicted this outcome. "None of us knew this would happen, Hinata," Ino said empathetically, her words unable to alleviate the guilt plaguing Hinata's thoughts. The group understood that waiting was the only option they had, hoping for positive news regarding Sakura's whereabouts.

Naruto ran his hand through his hair, trying to gather his thoughts. "The good news is that the police department has intensified their search in Suna and Konoha," he shared, his voice laden with a mix of determination and worry. "Additionally, Sasuke, Itachi, and Shisui are on their way to Oto. They're doing everything they can to find Sakura, so let's try not to worry too much."

Suigetsu, struggling to contain his anger, couldn't help but clench his fists. "I knew Sasori," he admitted with a tinge of regret. "I just couldn't believe that he would stoop this low. It feels like inviting him to my birthday party was indirectly responsible for what happened." His remorse and frustration were palpable, mirroring the helplessness felt by the entire group.

Kiba interjected firmly, shaking his head to dispel self-blame. "We need to stop blaming ourselves," he said calmly. "The only person accountable for this is Sasori himself. We've all heard the stories about how deranged he is, and he would have gone to any lengths to get close to Sakura."

A heavy silence settled in the room as each person clung to their phones, desperate for any news that might bring them closer to finding Sakura.

All they can do in the moment is wait.


Sakura was seated on the edge of the bed, her gaze fixed on the guy passed out on the floor. She had no clue how much time had gone by. Every movement sent a jolt of pain through her back, legs, and arms, courtesy of Sasori's relentless beatings. She was pretty sure her face was now bruising, from him trying to get her attention.

But then things took a weird turn. Sasori started snapping in and out of reality, like he was punishing himself. It was like he couldn't control his own actions anymore.

Sasori was completely out of control, to the point where he had inflicted visible cuts on his arms. He was bawling his eyes out, going on about how big of a mistake he made by hurting Sakura. After a few minutes, he passed out from sheer exhaustion, sprawled out on the floor.

Sakura let out a sigh of relief while gently rubbing her stomach. She couldn't help but worry if the beating she took might've harmed her unborn baby but was relieved to feel the baby's kicks. Weird as it sounded, she was grateful her stomach was left untouched by Sasori's rage.

Finally, Sakura decided to make her way to the living room. But just as she tried to leave, Sasori grabbed onto her leg, jolting her with fear.

"Let me go!" Sakura gasped, looking down at the awake Sasori.

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