Unmasking Emotions

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Feeling a mix of frustration and sadness, Sakura sank down onto the couch, her heart heavy with the weight of the argument. She buried her face in her hands, desperately trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. Was this really over a sweater?

Just then, the sound of a gentle knock on the apartment door interrupted her thoughts. Wiping away her tears, Sakura hurriedly opened the door hoping it was Sasuke, but only to find her friends, Ino and Hinata, standing there with concerned expressions.

"Sakura, are you okay? We were on our way here and Sasuke slammed the door," Ino asked, worry clearly etched on her face.

Sakura's tears resurfaced as she tried to speak, her voice choked with emotions. "It's... it's Sasuke. We had an argument... over a stupid sweater."

Hinata stepped forward, "What happened, Sakura?"

Sakura remembered the events that had transpired, revealing the that Sasuke came across Sasori's sweater, causing the argument. Ino crossed her arms, her brows knitted together in thought.

"He's so dramatic. I'm pretty sure I still have things of my ex," Ino commented, her voice kind but still logical.

Hinata nodded, "But Sakura, Sasuke needs to trust you. He needs to learn how to communicate if he wants to keep you."

Wiping away her tears, Sakura took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. "You're right. I just... I never want to lose him. It's like no matter what, Sasori is always thrown in the middle. He hasn't bothered us since the charity event."

Hinata placed a reassuring hand on Sakura's shoulder. "Do you want me to talk to Naruto? Maybe he can talk to Sasuke for you."

Ino smiled softly and said, "I can talk to the guys and find out where he is. He's probably on his way there."

Sakura nodded and replied, "Can you? He didn't tell me where he was going and he turned off his location."

Ino signaled Hinata to call Naruto and said, "Can you please call him? That guy needs to learn how to communicate, it's really starting to bother me."

Hinata pulled out her phone and replied, "I'm on it."

"Don't worry, Sakura," Ino reassured her, rubbing her back.


"Why do you always barge into my apartment, teme? Why call like a normal human being?" Naruto complained annoyed.

Sasuke did his signature pacing back and forth in Naruto's apartment, feeling like he was about to explode.

"What's the matter this time?" Suigetsu asked with a sigh.

"I've never seen Sasuke this stressed before he and Sakura became official," Kiba chuckled.

Sasuke clenched his fists and slumped against the wall. "We had a fight," he admitted.

Naruto raised an eyebrow and asked, "What kind of fight?"

Sasuke didn't want to admit it. He was too embarrassed to tell his friends that he got jealous over a sweater. He didn't mean to accuse Sakura like that, but with everything happening, he didn't know what to say. He had never been in a situation where he felt jealous over a sweater.

It just seemed like everything was catching up to him. He was jealous that Sakura had a past, that she had loved Sasori at one point. He knew he wasn't Sakura's first love, but she always reassured him that he was her true love. However, finding the sweater in her drawer caught him off guard.

"It's stupid," Sasuke sighed.

"You've shared enough with us. I don't think anything could be considered stupid anymore," Suigetsu chuckled.

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