Unforgiving Captivity

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Warning: sensitive scenes relating to kidnapping/abuse in the next chapters.


Sasuke tossed and turned in his hotel bed, plagued by restlessness. It had been over 24 hours since he last heard from or saw Sakura, and his anxiety was consuming him.

They had arrived in Suna at midnight, and now it was already 5 am. Sasuke glanced around the dimly lit hotel room, unable to find comfort in its quiet emptiness. He had managed to close his eyes for a few minutes, but sleep eluded him. The fear of Sakura being in danger gnawed at him, especially considering her condition - she was pregnant.

Sasuke knew Sakura was intelligent and resourceful, but fear had a way of catching up to even the strongest individuals. He approached his older brother, Itachi, who was on the other side of the room, and nudged him gently. "Itachi," he whispered.

Itachi stirred, groggily looking at the clock. "What is it?" he asked, sensing the urgency in Sasuke's voice.

"It's time," Sasuke interrupted, his determination evident. The brothers quickly freshened up and prepared themselves. They checked their guns and loaded the ammunition. Itachi glanced at Sasuke, concern evident in his eyes. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asked.

Sasuke took a deep breath, practicing his grip on the gun while facing his reflection in the mirror. After a moment, he unloaded it and tucked it securely into his jeans. "Let's go," he said with determination.

They made their way down to the hotel lobby, where they met Shisui and his team. Shisui relayed a change of plans, explaining that the Suna police were now heading to other potential locations. "I'll be the officer on the scene, and Sasuke and Itachi, you'll be with me," he informed them.

Sasuke glanced at Shisui and then at Itachi, nodding resolutely. "As long as we find Sakura, I don't care about anything else," he declared, his voice filled with determination and concern.

Itachi sighed, placing a comforting hand on his brother's back. "We will find her, Sasuke," he reassured him, his voice filled with quiet resolve.

Shisui glanced at his watch, clearing his throat before speaking. "The only setback we have is that we couldn't retrieve any CCTV footage or track any of their devices. However, based on what Deidara and Kisame have shared, it's likely that Sasori has moved to a different location," he explained, his tone tinged with disappointment.

Sasuke arched an eyebrow, a mix of frustration and nervousness clouding his features. "So you're saying... they're not in Suna?" he asked, his clenched fists revealing his rising unease. It felt as if the universe was punishing him for his failures as a partner.

Shisui shook his head, his expression reflective of his own disappointment. "We don't have definitive proof yet, but based on the information we have, we need to explore every possible property Sasori could be hiding in. The location provided by Deidara and Kisame is a few hours away. We won't reach there until noon," he explained, understanding the urgency of the situation but also aware of the need to approach it with caution.

Sasuke's composure wavered, frustration seeping into his voice. "A few hours? Isn't there a faster way to get there? Shouldn't we be searching in Suna first?" he questioned, his impatience evident.

Itachi ran a hand through his hair, a sign of his own stress and worry. "The Suna officers are already investigating the properties here. We need to focus on the locations where Sasori is likely to be hiding. He's not foolish enough to remain in Suna where he can be easily tracked. Let's not waste any more time. Every second counts," he urged, his voice laced with a mix of urgency and determination.

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