Unexpected Encounter

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"It's great to be back," Sakura exclaimed, snuggling closer to Sasuke on the couch.

Sasuke removed his glasses and pulled her in even tighter. "I told you the break would fly by."

"No kidding! Just a few more months and we'll finally graduate," Sakura said, planting a soft kiss on his chin.

Sasuke looked at her curiously. "Are you excited to start med school?"

Sakura let out a sigh. "Well, I don't know if 'excited' is the right word. It's more about looking forward to the outcome."

A warm smile crossed Sasuke's face. "Remember, I'll always be here for you. You know that, right?"

Sakura giggled. "Yes, I know. By the way, do you have any free time this weekend?"

"I should be mostly free, but I have some important matters to discuss with my father first. We'll be meeting a new partner," Sasuke casually explained.

Sakura whined, "How long is that going to take?"

"Not too long, I promise. You won't be alone for too long," Sasuke reassured her, gently kissing the top of her head.

As the end of the school year approached, Sasuke was gradually taking over his family's company. His father had informed him about a new partner joining them, and they were scheduled to meet that afternoon. Although his father hadn't provided many details, Sasuke was determined to make the most of the meeting. Having a new partner could greatly benefit them, especially as he was preparing to take full control of the company soon.

Sakura pouted. "Make sure to call me when you get there, okay?"

Sasuke smirked. "Of course, my love."


Sasuke and his father were expecting a brief meeting with one of the partners who wanted to bring forth a proposal. Fugaku seemed eager and emphasized the significance of this potential partnership.

They entered a spacious conference room, where Sasuke took a moment to appreciate the view. This would become his world after college - a realm of business meetings, collaborations, and everything that came with leading the company. He was determined to succeed, not only for himself but also to provide a prosperous future for Sakura.

"I've heard that their son, who is around your age, will be joining us for this meeting," Fugaku mentioned, glancing at Sasuke.

Sasuke simply nodded in response. "Interesting."

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation, and their secretary announced the arrival of the investors.

"Please, come in," Fugaku welcomed them.

Time seemed to freeze for Sasuke as he saw who stood at the door. It was Sasori, accompanied by someone else.

"Hello, Mr. Uchiha. Thank you for having us," greeted Akio, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Thank you. This is my son, Sasuke. He will be inheriting the company in a few months," Fugaku introduced.

Akio then said, "And this is my son, Sasori. He recently took over our family business as well."

Sasuke felt Sasori's intense gaze fixed upon him, tinged with an unsettling satisfaction. It was as though Sasori had something hidden, ready to take advantage of Sasuke at any moment.

Fugaku motioned to the seats. "Shall we take a seat?"

Throughout the meeting, Sasuke couldn't help but focus on Sasori, trying to grasp the true intentions behind this partnership. Was Sasori's family genuinely interested in partnering, or did they have other motives?

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