Under Temptation *lemon*

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"Sasuke, you fucking leech!" Sakura screeched. She was staring at herself in the mirror, pure horror in her eyes. How the hell was she supposed to show up at her parents' place looking like this?

Sasuke emerged from the bathroom, towel loosely hanging on his hips. He glanced at her, a mixture of cockiness and innocence in his eyes. "What?"

Deep down, he knew exactly what he did.

Sakura stomped up to him, pointing angrily at her neck. Maybe things got a little too intense last night. Sasuke kept to his word and they made love a few times, but it gradually got rougher with each round. He couldn't help himself. He felt the need to get back at her for the little stunt she pulled the other night.

"Ugh! Never mind. Forget it pervert," Sakura tried to hide her blush as best as she could. Sasuke was clearly enjoying teasing her, and there was no point in arguing. It's not like she entirely hated it, but she was going to see her parents.

As Sakura packed her essentials for her weekend getaway, she carefully chose each item and placed them in her bag. The anticipation of visiting her parents was growing inside her, and she wanted to have an open conversation with them about her recent pregnancy announcement. The news had caught them off guard, and she wanted to address any concerns they might have.

Meanwhile, Sasuke stood in the corner, a hint of sadness on his face. He wished Sakura didn't have to leave him for the only time they had with one another, but knew they needed to deal with their families separately. He had been avoiding the topic himself, not quite ready to confront his own father. Part of him even entertained the idea of putting it off until the baby arrived, but he knew deep down that it wasn't possible.

Well actually maybe?

Watching Sakura pack her pajamas, Sasuke couldn't help but feel lonely now. All he wanted to do was latch onto her. He walked over to her, "I wish you didn't have to go," he expressed. Well he was also horny too.

Sakura playfully rolled her eyes, her hands lingering on her makeup bag. "It's just two days, Sasuke. Plus, we need to talk to our parents. They might have questions, even though they already know about the pregnancy. And I miss them," she explained, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. Sakura couldn't help but notice how clingy Sasuke had become since she started school, as if he wanted to reclaim the attention he once had. She couldn't resist teasing, wondering if he thought he was the one who was pregnant.

Sasuke met her gaze, a knowing look in his eyes. "I get it. I've been avoiding seeing my parents too. My mom didn't ask much, just about your well-being and how I can support you during the pregnancy. It's my dad that worries me," he confessed, his voice trailing off as the weight of his concern settled upon him.

"Um, what's the time?" Sakura asked out of nowhere. She knew exactly what would lift his mood, and to be honest, she was feeling a bit horny herself. She wanted to indulge in all sorts of wild sex before her baby bump became too obvious. She knew their wild and crazy sex life would have to be put on hold once she started showing, and he'd have to be extra careful with her.

Sasuke glanced at his phone and replied, "Just past 12. Why?" He swallowed nervously. He recognized that look on Sakura's face all too well. She was giving him one of those glances that meant she was ready to jump him.

Please do all the work, please do all the work, he quietly begged.

Not that he didn't enjoy doing all the work and having Sakura under him, but she wore him out last night. He did most of the punishing anyway and he liked Sakura being the dominant one. He might as well let her express her angriness towards sex, and her putting it out on him.

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