Unveiling Tensions

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As the day progressed, Sasuke couldn't shake off the comments from his friends. The idea of Sakura becoming his girlfriend seemed so far-fetched. It had been less than 24 hours, and already he was getting too easily distracted. The last thing he needed was his friends bothering him about this situation.

When Sasuke returned to his apartment after a long day of classes, he found Sakura sitting at the kitchen counter, engrossed in a book. Sasuke struggled with the decision of either ignoring her the entire time she lived there or at least being civil with her. Avoiding her seemed like the more difficult choice.

"Hey, Sakura," he greeted, sliding his backpack off his shoulder.

Sakura looked up from her book and smiled softly, "Oh, hey. How was your day?"

Sasuke sat across from her, sighed, and leaned his head on his hand, "Long. Classes, assignments... the usual."

"I know the feeling," Sakura sympathized, closing her book. "Transferring schools lately has been really hard. It's been difficult to establish a routine. But I guess it's worth it."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, curious, "Why did you have to transfer?"

A hint of sadness flickered in Sakura's eyes before she quickly composed herself. "It's a long story, but let's just say Suna wasn't the right fit for me. I needed a change of environment and a fresh start."

Sasuke realized that he had failed to ask his mother from which university Sakura had transferred. He had heard of Suna, as it was a couple of hours away from Konoha, but that didn't matter to him. He didn't want to pry and inquire further, so he left it at that.

"Well, I hope you find what you're looking for here," Sasuke said, offering her a small smile.

"Thank you, Sasuke. I hope so too," Sakura replied, returning the smile.

Sasuke walked over to the living room and started working quietly. Sakura felt like she was intruding on someone's personal space and didn't want to be a burden. She went to the bedroom, allowing Sasuke to have his alone time.

Luckily for Sakura, it was a relief to know that her friends attended Konoha because otherwise, she wouldn't be able to survive. Sakura's goal was to endure the next four weeks until she could find a place of her own. She wanted to give Sasuke the space he needed and let him feel free in the apartment for a few hours. Lost in her thoughts, Sakura heard a ping coming from her phone.

Ino: Are you finally settled in, forehead? Let's meet for drinks!

Hinata: I'm so happy you're here! <3
You should've come here in the first place, Sakura. But better late than never!

Hinata: Oh, and my boyfriend told me he's best friends with Sasuke? We should all go out for drinks!

Sakura bit her lip. She already felt like she was annoying Sasuke, and now they had mutual friends?

Sakura: Uh... I don't think that's a good idea... I already feel like a burden, and I don't think he likes me :P

Sakura: He only talks to me because he feels bad I bet xD

Ino: What did you do??

Sakura: Why do you assume I did something???

Ino: You can sometimes be a bitch, Sakura.

Sakura: Well, I didn't do anything! >:(

Ino: And I agree with Hinata. You should ask Sasuke. When was the last time you had a boyfriend? You need someone to distract you from Sasori.

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