Unexpected Invitation

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Sasuke sat at the dining table with his parents, realizing it had been a while since he had dinner with them or returned home at all. Itachi was still on vacation with Izumi, and hadn't been back for a while. Sasuke wasn't bothered by his brother's improved health and freedom to roam but couldn't help but worry.

His father, Fugaku, mentioned that he needed to talk to him. Initially, it didn't seem important, but now that he was here, Sasuke wondered why his father had invited him in the first place. Usually, it would be his mother who initiated these dinners, not his father.

"Father, you mentioned there was something you wanted to talk about?" Sasuke began, breaking the silence.

Fugaku looked up and answered, "Nothing for you to worry about if that's what you're asking. I spoke with Sasori and his father. They're hosting an event."

Sasuke nodded suspiciously, asking, "What kind of event?"

Fugaku's expression softened as he replied, "Yes, I believe they mentioned it's a charity event. It takes place once a year. Sasori made it clear that we could all bring a plus one. He thinks it would be good for our image as Uchihas to participate in such social gatherings."

Sasuke pondered for a moment. Why should he go? He had been avoiding any places where he would have to be in the same room as Sasori. Having meetings with him was bad enough, and now this? How would he explain this to his family?

"Is it mandatory? Do I have to go?" Sasuke asked, raising an eyebrow.

Fugaku seemed slightly surprised by his sudden refusal, but then replied, "What's with the sudden reaction? This would be good for you, son. Graduation is just weeks away, and soon you'll take over. It's important for you to start interacting with other partners who might be there. Besides, it would be a great opportunity for Sakura to start understanding what your world is like."

Sasuke was at a loss for words. What could he possibly say? Especially to Sakura? It seemed he had no other choice but to go and bring her. However, he would have to ensure she stayed away from Sasori's sight. "Mother, I assume you'll also be attending?" he asked.

"Of course. This won't be my first social gathering with your father, but I agree that we should involve ourselves more in such events. I'll take Sakura shopping for dresses. I haven't had much time to spend with her, so this will be perfect," Mikoto said with an excited smile.

"Okay... so when is this event?" Sasuke asked curiously.

"It's this weekend, on Saturday around 7 p.m. They're hosting it in Suna, so we should leave on Friday night," replied Fugaku.

"In Suna? Where exactly is it being held?" Sasuke nervously inquired, feeling a sense of panic and regret creeping in.

"They've rented out a venue. It shouldn't be too far from their company building. I'll call you with the details," Fugaku replied. "This will be good for you, son; don't disappoint us."


"Hey, Sakura, how was dinner?" Sakura asked as she stood up from the couch.

"Typical. Itachi wasn't there, so it was just me and my parents," Sasuke shrugged.

"That's fine. You mentioned your father had something important to discuss. What was it?" Sakura asked curiously.

Sasuke felt like the world was against him. But he knew that this partnership would require interaction with Sasori in some way. A wave of guilt washed over him as he realized he hadn't done enough to keep Sakura away from these situations.

"What's wrong?" Sakura noticed Sasuke's silence and asked.

"My parents insisted that you come with me, but Sasori is hosting a charity event this weekend in Suna," Sasuke nervously explained.

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