Unexpected Blessings

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Sakura's eyes grew wide as she stammered, "Wh-where did you...?"

Despite his apparent calmness, Sasuke was panicking internally. "I found it in the trash," he replied.

"I was going to tell you... I just found out today," Sakura said with a gulp.

"So... so you're pregnant?" Sasuke asked anxiously.

Though Sasuke hadn't intended for his words to come out that way, he was at a loss for what else to say. Everything suddenly made sense—the constant crying, the random outbursts. Sakura's emotions were heightened because she was pregnant.

Sasuke wanted to punch himself for reacting the way he did, but his panic got the best of him. Before Sakura could respond, he walked out, rushing over to Naruto's place—a bad habit of his when he didn't want Sakura to see him in a state of panic.

"I have to... I need..." Sasuke muttered to himself.

Sakura's mouth fell open as she watched Sasuke leave. She knew it. She knew Sasuke wouldn't be supportive, and she felt like she would only hold him back. Overwhelmed with emotions, Sakura started to cry and, in between sobs, searched through her contacts before calling Ino.

"Ino, he found out and just left me," Sakura struggled to form coherent sentences, crying uncontrollably.

"That idiot with the duck-butt! Where did he go?" Ino responded angrily.

"I think he went to Naruto's," Sakura hiccuped.

"I'm on my way there, and I'll let Hinata know," Ino assured her.


Sasuke burst into Naruto's apartment, pacing frantically.

"What the hell, teme! Not again?" Naruto exclaimed, slurping down his last bite of ramen.

"Sakura's pregnant," Sasuke blurted out in panic.

The ramen slipped from Naruto's mouth, "Wait, seriously?"

"Yes, seriously! And I just walked out on her," Sasuke was teetering on the edge of a panic attack. He knew he needed to learn how to manage them for the sake of himself and Sakura.

Hinata emerged from the room, her gaze piercing through Sasuke, "Are you kidding me, Sasuke? Leaving Sakura all alone!?" Sasuke had never seen Hinata this furious before, and truthfully, it frightened him.

"I didn't mean to. I don't know why I came here. I panicked," Sasuke gasped for breath, loosening his tie.

Before Naruto and Hinata could respond, a loud banging reverberated through the apartment door.

"Open the damn door! I know you're in there Uchiha!" Ino's voice resonated with fury as she continued to pound on the door.

Naruto sighed, opening the door to find a visibly angry Ino. Sasuke realized he had truly messed up when he managed to anger not just one, but two of Sakura's closest friends—especially Hinata.

Sasuke's eyes widened as Ino charged toward him, delivering a swift kick between his legs. "You jerk! How could you leave Sakura alone? Don't you know how scared she is? Don't act like this is entirely her fault! I know how much you enjoy sticking it into Sakura. This is your responsibility too! If you wanted to be extra safe, you should have used protection!"

Sasuke groaned, clutching his groin, "I'm sorry. I don't know why I left. I was just in shock."

"You think Sakura isn't shocked? She just found out today! She's the one who's pregnant, not you. Stop hiding like a coward at Naruto's and be a real man!" Ino delivered another kick to Sasuke.

Naruto and Hinata looked on in shock. Ino was always a bit wild, but they hadn't anticipated her becoming this aggressive. Admittedly, Ino had always been fiercely protective of Sakura, not even sparing Sasuke.

Sasuke hung his head in shame. There were no more excuses. He had promised Sakura a few months ago that they would face this together instead of avoiding it. He was scared—having a baby? Were they ready? They had just begun their lives. But this was reality. He was equally responsible. Sakura was carrying their child. He needed to make things right.

"You're both right. I'm sorry," Sasuke said as he stood up.

"Don't apologize to us. Apologize to Sakura. Go back to your apartment. She's alone, crying in the living room," Hinata directed.

Naruto walked over to Sasuke, patting him on the back, "You'll be alright, Sasuke. You have us. We'll support both of you."


Sasuke shamelessly strode by them, making his way back to the apartment. He discovered Sakura curled up on the couch, tears streaming down her face as she clutched her squishmallow.

Sasuke knelt in front of her, gently brushing away the stray strands of hair stuck to her tear-stained cheek. "I'm so sorry, Sakura. I've been a terrible boyfriend. I know I promised you I would stop running off like that."

Sakura, her tearful eyes opening and hiccuping, replied, "No, you're not. This is my fault! I'm holding you back..."

Sasuke looked at her tenderly, saying, "No, this isn't your fault. You're not holding me back, Sakura. This life growing inside of you... it's our baby. How could I ever think it would hold me back?"

"Because we didn't plan this, and you just started working! I haven't even started school yet!" Sakura rationalized.

"We didn't plan it, but it's still a blessing, Sakura. And I promise you, we will work through this together. I don't want you to think I'll be selfish. I'm stepping up and taking responsibility now because soon I'll be a father, but I'm also your boyfriend."

Sakura's eyes widened as she asked, "You mean it, Sasuke?"

Sasuke nodded and replied, "I mean every word, Sakura. I'll always be there for you, remember? Even if my panic attacks get in the way, I have to learn to manage them. We will figure things out. We can always find a way to make things work, especially when you start school. I don't want you to stress or ever think you're holding me back. Don't ever think that. Being a parent doesn't mean giving up on your dreams. Right?"

Sakura's lips curled into a smile as she reached out and touched Sasuke's hand. "Okay... I love you."

Sasuke returned her smile and said, "I love you too, Sakura. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared though... I can't even imagine how you must be feeling."

Sakura tightened her grip on his hand and replied, "I'm scared too, which is why today has been so overwhelming! It's like our lives have been flipped, and now we're going to be parents. I'm just afraid that this will change everything."

Sasuke wiped away her tears and reassured her, "Things will change, but I don't want us to feel like we'll fall apart because of it. We will figure it out together, okay? I don't want us to see this baby as a mistake."

They both stood up and embraced each other tightly.


Sasuke's panic attacks tho 💀 He deserved that kick from Ino fr 😭

I don't own any of the pictures included. All pictures were found on Google and Pinterest.

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