Unbeknownst to Them

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"Yes, right now! We haven't really spent much time with Sasuke," Mebuki said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

Sakura paused, hesitating. This was so last minute?!

"Okay, Mom. Let me call Sasuke and ask if he's available," Sakura replied with a smile, trying to hide her nervousness.

Sakura quickly dialed Sasuke's number and anxiously waited for him to pick up. After a few rings, he answered.

"Hey, Sakura. Is everything alright?" Sasuke asked.

"Everything is great, Sasuke. In fact! I have a surprise for you. Would you be able to come to dinner at my place tonight? Mom invited," Sakura said nervously.

There was a brief pause on the other end before Sasuke replied, "Are you serious?"

Sakura smiled, "Yeah, I'm serious. Come around 7 PM."

"Sakura, wait—," Sasuke was cut off as Sakura quickly hung up.


When the doorbell finally rang, Sakura's heart skipped a beat. She rushed to open the door, revealing Sasuke standing there, dressed in a crisp shirt and slacks. He had a small bouquet of flowers in his hand, a gesture that made Sakura's heart melt.

"Hey, babe," Sasuke greeted her warmly.

Sakura mouthed "I'll explain later" before loudly greeting him, "Hey, Sasuke, come in!"

Sasuke nodded confusingly and followed Sakura into the living room, where her parents were waiting. Mebuki and Kizashi greeted Sasuke with warm smiles.

"Welcome, Sasuke. We're happy to have you," Kizashi said, extending his hand.

Sasuke shook his hand firmly, returning the smile. "Thank you sir, for having me here."

Mebuki motioned for everyone to sit down, and Sakura couldn't help but feel nervous as her parents and Sasuke settled in.

"So, Sasuke, excited to graduate?" Kizashi began.

Sasuke cleared his throat. "Oh yeah, this year definitely went by fast."

"Your mother tells me you'll be taking over Uchiha Corp?" Mebuki asked, genuinely intrigued.

Sasuke leaned back. "Yeah, my father is slowly getting me involved in businesses now, and after graduation, I'll be fully settled."

Kizashi's eyes lit up. "Ah, that's fantastic! Look at you two. Sakura will be heading to medical school, and you'll be taking over Uchiha Corp. Sounds like a power couple to me."

Sakura giggled. It was nice to see Sasuke and her parents interacting. She knew she caught Sasuke off guard, though, as she could feel how nervous he was.

"Sasuke, could you tell us more about it?" Mebuki asked.

Sasuke nodded. "Well, I'm expected to take on the responsibility of running the company. I decided to take Itachi's place so he can focus on his health, but I don't regret it."

Kizashi leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "What are your plans for the company?"

Sasuke took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "I want to modernize its operations, and expand our reach internationally. We've also been partnering with new business partners as well."

Mebuki and Kizashi exchanged glances, impressed.

"Oh, now that Sasuke mentioned it, I actually heard from Akio that they'll be partnering with Uchiha Corp. Isn't that wonderful?" Kizashi turned to Mebuki.

Unexpected Hearts / SasuSakuWhere stories live. Discover now