Uniting with Your Maternal Insitincts

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"I think my water just broke..." Sakura exclaimed, her eyes fixed on the floor. Typical timing, right in the middle of preparing a snack.

Sasuke looked at her in disbelief, his expression filled with uncertainty. "What do you mean you think?"

Sakura pointed, frustration evident in her voice. "I just said my water broke! Look!" She reached under her maternity dress, feeling the rush of fluid down her leg.

Instantly, Sasuke's panic kicked in, but he composed himself and sprang into action. "Okay, okay. We need to get you to the hospital right away. Oh, right! The hospital bag!"

He started pacing around the nursery room, anxiety racing through his veins. "This is not the moment for a nervous breakdown, Sasuke. Sakura needs us," he muttered to himself.

Quickly grabbing one of his anxiety medications, Sasuke vowed not to lose his cool like he did during the proposal. This time, he was determined to stay focused and avoid passing out.

"It's really happening," Sasuke nervously sighed as he clasped the hospital bag.

Taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart, he returned to Sakura. "Alright, I've got the hospital bag. Let's go. I'll call our parents on the way."

Despite the discomfort and excitement coursing through her, Sakura managed to crack a reassuring smile. "I'm alright, Sasuke. Don't worry and don't panic!"

Gently assisting Sakura to her feet, Sasuke guided her toward the door. "Take it slow and steady. We don't want any accidents."

Carefully helping her into the car, Sasuke made sure she was as comfortable as possible. As he started the engine, he mentally ran through his checklist - the fastest route to the hospital, the doctor's contact information, and the timing.

"Mom, my water just broke, and we're on our way to the hospital. Please inform Aunt Mikoto and the rest of the family!" Sakura shouted into the phone, a mix of excitement and nervousness in her voice.

Listening to Sakura's conversation with her mother, Sasuke couldn't deny the reality of the situation. This wasn't a dream. Giving Sakura a reassuring smile, he focused on the road ahead.

"Are you feeling alright? We'll be there soon," he reassured her.

Too preoccupied with texting their friends, Sakura replied, "I'm okay. I'm trying to stay calm," accompanied by a sigh, glancing at him from time to time.

Sasuke gripped the steering wheel tightly. If she was worried, he had to stay composed for her sake.

As they made their way to the hospital, Sasuke drove steadily, mindful of the traffic. Reaching out, he took Sakura's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Is it painful?" he asked, concern evident in his voice. "I'll do my best not to panic, I promise."

Sakura nodded, gripping his hand tightly. "It's not too bad, but let's both try to stay calm. If you panic, then I'll definitely panic too." She chuckled, trying to lighten the tension in the car.


They finally arrive at the hospital, and Sakura is swiftly taken into one of the rooms. Nurses immediately begin hooking her up to an IV, while Sasuke settles himself beside her.

Placing his hands on her belly, Sasuke gently rubs in circular motions. "I can't believe she's coming..."

A contraction interrupts Sakura's thoughts, causing her to breathe heavily. "I know, right? I just hope everything goes smoothly."

Sasuke looks at her with concern. "Do you want an epidural?"

Sakura shakes her head determinedly. "No, I'll tough it out. I don't need it." The contractions intensify, but Sakura tries to remain strong despite the pain.

Continuing to hold her hand, Sasuke leans his head on the bed. The sound of Sakura's deep breaths starts to worry him, but the nurses and doctors assure him that it's all part of the process. Knowing that she is in good hands is the only thing keeping him sane.

As Sasuke's phone vibrates in his pocket, he quickly checks the incoming texts. "Our families are here," he informs Sakura.

Sakura opens her eyes, reassuring him. "It's okay. You can go get them." The last thing Sasuke wants to do is leave her alone, but he stands up and walks out of the labor room to meet their excited parents who are waiting in the nearby room.

"How is she?" Mebuki rushes over to Sasuke, concerned.

"She's doing okay for now. She's hooked up to an IV," Sasuke updates her.

Kizashi breathes a sigh of relief. "I can't believe this is actually happening. We're going to be grandparents, Mebuki!"

Mikoto walks up to Mebuki, holding her hand. "We did it!" she exclaims, a hint of humor in her voice. Sasuke's nerves begin to calm down, a sense of relief washing over him. He always had a feeling his mother purposely orchestrated the situation for Sakura to move in with him.

"Grandmothers, huh?" Mebuki hugs Mikoto tightly, while Fugaku and Itachi approach Sasuke.

"Are you doing alright? How is she holding up?" Itachi asks, the familiarity between brothers apparent as he detects the nervousness within Sasuke.

"She's alright. I'm trying not to panic, but I think I'll manage for now," Sasuke runs his hand through his hair.

Fugaku places a reassuring hand on his son's back. "You'll be just fine, son."

Sasuke looks at everyone gathered. "Sakura's resting right now, but I'm going to check on her. I'll keep you all updated."

Returning to Sakura's side, Sasuke sighs in relief to see her peacefully with her eyes closed. Sitting down next to her, he whispers, "They're all outside."

She opens her eyes, relief evident in her expression. "Thank goodness," Sakura murmurs.

"Our friends said they'll be arriving soon. I didn't want to overwhelm you by inviting everyone," Sasuke chuckles lightly.

"Yeah... as much as Ino can be entertaining, I don't think I can handle her wild energy right now," Sakura giggles, intertwining her fingers with his.

"I'm so happy, but also scared," her voice trembles. "I just hope everything goes well, and then we'll finally get to meet her, Sasuke. We'll finally meet Sarada."

Reaching over to her face, Sasuke brushes away the tears that have fallen. "Everything will go smoothly. I'll be right here, so don't worry."


A few hours later, Sakura delivers Sarada through natural birth. Sasuke and her mother each hold one of Sakura's hands as she gives the final push.

Sakura groans, her head whipping back in discomfort. Sasuke bends down to place a tender kiss on her forehead. "You did it, baby."

Mebuki gently rubs her hand. "She's so beautiful, Sakura."

The room is filled with Sarada's cries as the doctor places her in Sakura's arms.

Sakura cradles the crying baby, marveling at her beauty. She holds her close to her chest and can't stop gushing about how adorable she is.

Mebuki kisses Sakura's cheeks. "I'll leave you two."

Sasuke stands beside Sakura, his eyes glued to their daughter. "Wow... she's perfect." Tears stream down Sasuke's face as he continues to gaze at Sakura and Sarada. Bending down, he places a quick kiss on Sakura's lips, allowing Sarada's small fists to wrap around his finger.

"She looks like you. The hair... the eyes. Nothing like me at all," Sakura giggles.

Sasuke shakes his head, disagreement in his eyes. "She may have some of my features, but she definitely takes after you. Your eye shape and nose."

Sakura lifts her head, kissing his chin. "Thank you. Thank you for the best belated birthday present ever."


Short chapter for today but tomorrow's the last! I can't believe it 😭

Photo credits go to @ni23ku

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