Unlocking The Truth

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Sakura let out a frustrated groan, burying her face in Ino's pillow.

"What's the matter this time?" Ino asked, concerned.

"It's probably Sasuke, I have a feeling,"  Hinata joined in.

Sakura sighed, feeling confused and hurt. It had been a few days since they last interacted, and she couldn't help but wonder if she had done something wrong. She couldn't recall any significant misstep on her part. Was Sasuke growing tired of her? Or was it her mother's comments about her past relationship with Sasori? Her mind was filled with so many questions.

"I believe Sasuke is mad at me," Sakura confessed, sitting up on Ino's bed and seeking her friends' support.

"What happened?" both girls inquired, eager to understand the situation.

"That's the thing... I'm not exactly sure what happened! We were celebrating my mom's birthday with our families, and after that dinner, he hasn't spoken to me," Sakura explained, her frustration evident.

Ino suggested, "Could it be something you said?"

Sakura hesitated for a moment, then admitted, "Well, my mom asked about Sasori."

Intrigued, Hinata asked, "What did your mom say?"

Sakura swallowed nervously, "She asked why Sasori wasn't there, and I told her we broke up."

Ino's eyes widened, realizing the root of Sasuke's sudden distance. "Wait, you haven't actually told your mom? Why is that?"

Sakura massaged her temples, speaking with a hint of embarrassment, "You know how much my mom adored Sasori, and I didn't know how to reveal the truth without her prying for reasons."

Ino couldn't contain her amusement, despite trying to appear serious. "Well, there's your answer as to why Sasuke has been ignoring you."

Realization washed over Sakura as Hinata chimed in, "Sasuke likes you, Sakura. It's obvious."

Cheeks flushing with color, Sakura tried to deny it. "No, that can't be true!"

Ino hummed with a knowing smile, "And you like him too. We know you too well, Sakura. You guys just need to talk and then fuck."

Sakura glared at her friend and let out a heavy sigh, "Even if I do have feelings for him, it wouldn't work. We have our own priorities."

Ino rolled her eyes and retorted, "So, you're telling me that you can lick eachother's private parts, but you can't even go on a single date?"

"Naruto mentioned Sasuke coming to him to discuss certain matters, but he wouldn't disclose anything to me," Hinata sighed in defeat.

Sakura pondered her friends' words, realizing they were right. Maybe she had been suppressing her feelings for Sasuke, afraid of getting attached after her breakup with Sasori.

Feeling a mix of nervousness and confusion, Sakura finally admitted, "What should I even say to him? I don't want to confront him if there's nothing there on his side."

"We're talking about Sasuke here—the man who prioritizes studying over everything else. He'd rather be glued to his textbooks than waste his time with me. Maybe I should just let this go," Sakura added, getting up from the bed.

Her friends exchanged glances, and Ino spoke up, "Okay, Sakura, but I need you to understand that nothing will improve if you don't have a conversation with him about this."


"What's bothering you, Sasuke?" Naruto asked, concerned as he watched Sasuke restlessly pacing back and forth in his apartment.

Sasuke shrugged, trying to brush off the question. "It's nothing."

Suigetsu smirked. "Is it Sakura again? Another fight?"

Kiba joined in, unable to resist teasing. "Seems like another lovers' quarrel to me, huh?"

Sasuke had been bothered for days. He wondered why Sakura never told her mom about her breakup with Sasori. Did she still have feelings for him? Was he that important to her parents?

Confusion clouded his mind, hindering his ability to focus on his studies and worsening his relationship with Sakura.

"Apparently, she never told her mom about her ex, and it seems they adored him," Sasuke confessed.

At this point, he didn't hesitate to open up to his friends. They were his friends for a reason, and he needed their help.

"You like her, don't you?" Naruto smiled softly at Sasuke, glad that he was opening up.

Sasuke sighed as he sat down. "I don't know...maybe I do."

Suigetsu chimed in. "Have you considered that she might like you too? Instead of hiding away, why not talk to her?"

"Yeah, I agree. Why don't you talk to her instead of hiding out here?" Kiba smirked.

Sasuke shot Kiba a glare. It wasn't the time for teasing him, but he realized his friends would always tease him about this no matter what.

"And say what? Why else would she not tell her parents about her breakup? Maybe she was waiting for them to get back together. Maybe that's why she didn't mention it to her mom," Sasuke kept throwing assumptions, but what if they were right?

"You won't know until you ask her. Just be upfront about how you feel," Naruto said.

Sasuke panicked. He had never felt like this before, nor had he ever really liked someone. He had to admit to himself that he did like Sakura. But what if she didn't feel the same? He would just make himself look like a fool.

He wanted to change for Sakura. He wanted to learn how to prioritize his work but also give his time to her. Hell, maybe he was even falling in love with her. Sasuke didn't know the difference, but he knew he cared about her a lot. However, he was scared of rejection. He didn't have time to get hurt and didn't want to take the risk.

"It might not even matter anymore. She's moving out in less than a month," Sasuke sighed.

"I'll see you guys later," Sasuke added, walking out of the apartment.

His friends exchanged glances. "He's going to fuck this up," Naruto said.


Another short chapter ❤️ I usually aim to post 2-3 chapters a day, depending on the extent to which my imagination runs 😩

There might be more drama in the next 2 chapters though 🤫🫣  Depending what I decide later tomorrow

Photo credits to @ceejss on Twitter (X)

I love her art so much 😩😩

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