Urgent Gathering

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"Is there something you guys wanted to tell us?" Mebuki asked, looking at the couple.

Their parents, along with Itachi, were gathered at the Uchiha dining table.

Sakura nervously fiddled with the hem of her dress, glancing at everyone in the room. All eyes were fixed on her and Sasuke. It was a daunting task, as she felt like she might faint. But there was no turning back now, especially since everyone was curious about their "news."

Sasuke noticed Sakura's anxiety and discreetly held her hand under the table. Everything had happened so quickly. It felt like just yesterday when they found out about their pregnancy. Weeks had passed, and Sakura was about to start school soon. It seemed like the perfect time to share the news with their family, as they needed all the support they could get.

"What is it, honey?" Mikoto asked, sensing the change in her son's demeanor.

Fugaku, Kizashi, and Itachi, the three men, stared at the couple with stoic expressions. They were equally puzzled by the sudden silence.

Nervously, Sakura rubbed her belly, catching Mebuki's attention. "Sakura, are you...?"

Kizashi looked at his wife with confusion. "Is she...?"

Mikoto quickly understood and gave her son a comforting look, allowing the couple to continue.

"I'm pregnant," Sakura blurted out, her voice filled with nervousness. Immediately, she looked down at her lap, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

Squeezing Sasuke's hand tightly, she glanced at his father's reaction. But Fugaku remained expressionless, his lips forming a straight line. Itachi, too, seemed lost for words.

Not wanting Sakura to shoulder the burden alone, Sasuke spoke up, "I take full responsibility. I know it's sudden and perhaps too soon, but we're ready. We found out a few weeks ago, and we're handling it just fine. I've made plenty of mistakes in my life, but I don't want to view this baby as just another one of them. We would appreciate your support."

There was a moment of silence, but Sasuke had said what needed to be said. In that moment, all that mattered was Sakura and their baby. Whether or not their family approved was irrelevant; at least they were aware.

Mebuki glanced at Kizashi, then at Sasuke's parents. "We're not upset. Just surprised, that's all."

"Wow, I never thought it would happen so quickly! But this is great, isn't it, Fugaku?" Mikoto tried to lighten the mood.

Kizashi found himself at a loss for words, but he managed to offer Sakura a reassuring smile. The news came as a surprise to everyone in the room, and it would take some time for them to fully process it. In the coming days or weeks, they would adjust to this new reality.

Sasuke turned his attention to his father, waiting anxiously for a response. Fugaku still maintained a blank expression, but eventually, he spoke up. "You're right. This baby is not a mistake. This is your responsibility. I trust that you will make the right decisions."

Sasuke took those words as a positive sign and let out a sigh of relief. He then looked at Itachi, who was smiling warmly at him. Even if he didn't have his father's immediate approval, at least he had the support of Itachi and their mothers. That mattered the most in that moment.

Although the air was still filled with tension, they managed to finish their meal. Mebuki, filled with curiosity, asked Sakura if she had seen a doctor yet.

"I have. The baby is as small as a grain of rice," Sakura replied, wearing a warm smile.

"Do you all have any guesses whether it will be a boy or a girl?" Itachi attempted to spark a conversation.

Unexpected Hearts / SasuSakuWhere stories live. Discover now