14. Reaper

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I'd all but given up looking for her. Tank and I had been back to the club every weekend for a month, but neither her or her mate ever showed their face.

Tech couldn't do anything more for me unless I came up with anymore info which was impossible.

All of this was driving me fucking crazy, and yet again I found myself parking my motorcycle in the club gym lot and heading inside, ready to beat the shit out of a bag until my rage subsided.

The clubhouse was located in a small town twenty minutes north of the city. We had several businesses both in town and in the city, both for club income and as a convenient way to launder the money earned from the clubs illegal activities. Being a 1% club, we did what we want when we wanted with no regard for the law or consequences.

After a particularly brutal session, I returned to the locker room, showering and throwing on an old pair of jeans and Manson tee, throwing my cut over top. I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket, and pulling it out I studied the screen.

It was exactly what I wanted, what I'd asked for. The haunting image of a skeletal figure, dressed in a reaper robe and riding a Harley was fucking sick. His glowing red eyes seemed to bore into your very soul, and the robe was parted enough to see a skeletal chest cavity, caging a black heart, dripping blood.

I'd been pissed when Pencil got shot, putting him out of action indefinitely, but right now as I stared at the hand drawn image on my phone, I doubted he would have even been able to produce something so skillful.

I shot off a quick reply, letting her know that I was good with the drawing, and I'd see her Friday.

Straddling my bike, the engine roared to life, and I headed back towards the clubhouse for a much needed drink.

The place was already humming with activity as I pulled into the lot and parked in my usual spot in the underground ex valet parking. Being an old hotel, when my father Grunter, President of our chapter found it up for sale he wasted no time buying the property and building it up to what it is today.

As I entered the bar, I was greeted with the usual antics. Club members were sprawled around the room, some in booths with club whores straddling their laps. The men with old ladies were in their own booth, tucked up with their women looking whipped as bitches. A few guys were playing pool, again with club whores hanging around them like flies to shit.

Taking a seat at the bar, one of my old regulars came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

Fuck off Saph, I growled shrugging her off and signaling to the bartender for a drink.

I hadn't been with anyone since Rose, didn't want anyone but her. But two months was a long time to go without pussy, and lately I found myself wondering more and more whether I should give up, hit the city, and fuck until she was out of my system.

Something on yer mind boy? I looked up from my drink to see Grunter taking the seat next to me and motioning for his own drink.

Nursing my drink, I considered telling him about Rose for a split second, but quickly shot the idea down. Things had been a hell of a lot better between us the past couple months since I decided to get my shit together, didn't want him thinking I was fucked up all over again over yet another woman.

I'm good Grunt, I replied. Just thinking bout the run tomorrow. Haven't been on one in fucking forever.

He grunted in response, the reason his nickname was what it was.

Fair 'nuf. Dont lose your shit over it though. Its a straightforward run. Boomer and Chug are going with you. Hell your not even carrying the goods, its just a fuckin' leisurely ride for ya. Just make sure the exchange goes smooth and your home free.
Reckon if you do good I'll chuck you in on Fridays run too.

I nodded, taking a swig of my beer, when I saw Pencil enter the room and make his way over to us. The sight of him triggered my memory.

Oh shit, I won't be able to do Fridays run either way, got an appointment to get my back piece started.

My words got Pencils attention.

Your cheating on me you dirty whore? I thought we had something special??

I laughed at the feigned hurt in his eyes.

Yeh, and then you went and got your stupid ass shot up leaving me to sort myself out so I did. Girls got mad skills though, I continued, pulling out my phone and showing them both the sketch.

Pencil let out a low, loud whistle. Fuck that's a sick piece of art right there, he said, eyes still on the picture.

My father grunted, signaling his approval.

Who is she? Pencil asked.

Alexis Collins is her name... Pencils eyes shot up in recognition.

Holy shit man, Alexis Collins! I did my training with her way back. She's a mint artist, top of the fucking class she was. Then a couple months before graduation, she went real weird, wouldn't talk to anyone, hung out by herself all the damn time. Then after grad she was just gone, nobody in our class heard from her, and we never saw her again. Just assumed she'd moved away or some shit. She was hot as fuck though, that I do remember, he finished with a grin, then I could see his brain working overtime.

Friday you said? I gotta check up with Doc in the morning, then I'm free. Mind if I tag along, catch up with an old pal he said, wiggling his eyebrows at me, and I knew what kinda catch up he was hoping for.

Knock yourself out bro. I'll pick you up at two.

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