42. Reaper

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I sat, frozen in my seat, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.

She thought I wanted her to leave?

Had she not been listening to everything I've said to her the last month?

Shit, I may not be a fucking genius when it came to words, but I thought I'd made it pretty damn clear...

Sighing, I got up to follow her. This was going to be a long day.

Heading up the stairs, I cursed myself for not just spitting out what I wanted to say. Course I didn't want her to leave. Not ever. Last night well and truly confirmed it for me.

In fact, I'd just gotten keys to one of the top floor apartment suites, a permanent home for us while still having the safety of the club. She'd taken everything here in her stride and she was growing on everyone.

Pushing the door to our room open, I found it empty. Where the hell did she go? A small sob from the direction of the bathroom had me flying across the room and pounding on the door, but no answer came.

Fuck this, I said out loud to no one in particular, before bringing my foot up and booting in the door.

I expected her to scream, to yell at me, to kick me out. All of those would have been better than the sight that greeted me.

Alexis, slumped against the bathroom counter, in a growing pool of her own blood, a bloody blade discarded on the floor beside her.

Baby what the fuck did you do! I yelled as her eyes rolled back into her head.

Scooping her up in my arms I ran as fast as my body would allow. Out the room, down the stairs and straight through to the infirmary.

Doc! Get your ass in here now, I roared.

Oh shit, he said as soon as he saw the lifeless woman in my arms.

Placing her down on the bed, I backed up against the wall, hands on my head as Doc put his gloves on and set to work cleaning and stitching her wound.

She'd been doing so well lately, I'd forgotten that underneath her tough exterior was a tortured soul with major trust issues.

I could kick myself. I was meant to be the one who dragged her out of the darkness not put her right back there.

FUCK! Why does shit have to be so fucking hard!

I didn't even realize I'd spoken aloud.

C'mon, let's get a drink, Doc said turning and facing me.

I've stitched her up and given her something to knock her out for a while. Her body needs rest.

Hesitantly, I followed him out of the room, taking one last glance at my pale, sleeping beauty before heading to the bar.

Sitting down in a stool as Doc rounded the bar, he placed a bottle and a shot glass infront of me. Swiping the shot glass away, sending it smashing to the floor, I opted for the bottle. Fuck knows I needed it.

Why? I asked. Why would she do that to herself?

I'm no expert, but usually its a coping mechanism. I'd say that girl of yours has been to hell and back in her little lifetime. Could be a vice, one thing in her life that she has total control and power over.

Well you sound like a fucking expert, I responded.

I love her Doc... I dunno how many times I can go through that. It scared the shit outta me. Why does it have to be so hard? I took another skull from the bottle, already half empty.

Nothing worth fighting for is easy Reaper, wise words to hold onto.

Love her like she deserves, be patient with her, and for for fucks sakes boy don't mess her around, he said getting up from his seat and patting me on the shoulder before leaving me alone to my thoughts.

As I polished off the last of the bottle, time had gotten away on me.

All of a sudden a desperate need to see Alexis hit me, and I stood abruptly, swaying and stumbling before almost falling over.

I hadn't been this drunk in a long time.

Stumbling to the infirmary, I banged on the door before pushing it open and falling through the door.

Ahh, wondered when you'd join us, Doc said.

I looked up through my blury vision to see Doc leaning back in his office chair with his feet up on his desk. Alexis was perched on end of the small couch with her knees drawn to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. She looked shocked, I guess my entrance was slightly dramatic.

Alexis, I shouted, before realizing how loud I'd spoken. Shit, get a grip Reaper.

Clearing my throat and rubbing the back of my neck, I tried again.

Babe... are you, are you ok?

She gave me a small sad smile, and nodded her head.

Making my way cautiously across the room, I sat down next to her, grateful for the stability the couch provided.

Your drunk... she stated.

Only a bit... I replied, scooting closer to her and putting my arm around her.

A lot she giggled.

I'll leave you guys to it... Doc interrupted.

The couch is a sofa bed if he doesn't make it upstairs, he said looking at Alexis. My rooms through that door there if you need anything, he continued before leaving through said door.

Whatever you pay that man, you need to double it, she said once he left.

Poor guy basically just had a damn therapy session with me.

I wanted to be here when you woke up, I slurred.

Its ok... honestly its kinda good that you weren't. I had a really good talk with Doc, he helped me work through some stuff.

I'm sorry I scared you... she said in barely a whisper, tears forming in her eyes. I'll do better.

And I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up. You deserve better than me Alexis. But I'm yours if you'll have me still. I don't want you to move out. Not ever.

After setting up the sofa bed, we lay down together, my arms protectively wrapped around her.

Quit your job. I blurted out.


Work at the club studio. Your a fucking amazing artist Lex, we'd be lucky to have you.

Is this the alcohol talking?

Nope. Dead serious.

We lay there in silence, as the room around me spun.

I'll think about it, she replied after a while.

All I can ask babe. Sleep was weighing heavy on me, and as my eyelids began to droop, I heard myself speak again.

Your my world Alexis. I'll make you my old lady if it's the last thing I do.

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