57. Reaper

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Alexis had been gone almost 24 hours, and to say I was losing my shit was an understatement.

I'd been everywhere I could think of and still no sign of here. Hell I'd even gone into the city and checked out her old apartment. But there was no answer. No sign of her anywhere.

Where the fuck had she gone? She didn't even have a car for fucks sakes.

As I stormed into the clubhouse, I was ready to fight the first motherfucker who looked at me the wrong way. The Reaper in me was beginning to surface.

As I sat at the bar I didn't need to say a word. A bottle and glass was placed infront of me instantly. Pouring myself a rather tall glass, I drained it with ease before repeating the process.

Where the fuck was Tank? And what the fuck was more important to him than helping me find my woman. She was my future, which meant the clubs future too. And his loyalty should always lie with me and the club.

I was a good chunk of the way through the bottle when the man himself came waltzing into the bar, high as a fucking kite.

Hows it going man? He asked nonchalantly, taking the stool next to me as a beer was delivered to him.

What the fuck do you think I snapped back.

We sat in silence sipping our drinks, I sure as shit wasn't in the mood for small talk, and he looked lost in his own thoughts.

And then as if the night couldn't get any worse, an all to familiar voice rang through the air, the person I wanted to see least right now.

Evening boys, celebratory drinks is it?

What the fuck do you want Ivy? I hissed.

Woah, whats with the attitude babes? Thought you'd be happy you found you found that bitch of yours. You know we can both have fun with her if your really not done with her she finished, winking at me.

Fuck off Ivy. Do you think if I knew where she was I'd be sitting here getting pissed with this fucking idiot?

Huh... she said seemingly lost in thought. Strange, I could've sworn i saw your pretty little redhead bitch riding shotgun with that same fucking idiot when I was out with Cleo and the girls earlier.

I was about to tell her to keep her shit stirring comments to herself when out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of Tanks face. He'd gone white as a fucking ghost.

What the fuck is she talking about Tank? I roared.

Shit... look you weren't meant tinting out like this. Don't get fucking angry ok?

Too late.

I lunged out of my seat across at him, sending us both barreling into the ground. Using all my weight to pin him down as he struggled to overpower me, I managed to land a few good hits straight to his face before he threw me off. Getting to my feet I lunged forward towards him again, determined to beat the shit out of the lying fuck when suddenly I was grabbed by the shoulders and pulled back by some of the brothers that had gathered.

I'm fucking sorry man, Tank started. I didn't want to go behind your back but she gave me no fucking choice, believe me brother. Caught her pissed as fuck tryna drive herself away from here, what was I supposed to do? All I did was take her somewhere safe to calm down.

Why the fuck didn't you tell me? I roared.

She made me promise not too. We both know how much of a fucking flight risk she is man, but she said she just needed some time and she'd come back. I tried to tell you.

Did you fuck her better too? I snarled, ice in my tone.

What? No fucking way brother I'd never. How dare you even fucking ask he yelled, starting to get angry himself.
But she thinks you and Ivy did.

Did what?


Why the hell would she think that? Then I remembered what Ivy had said the night Alexis disappeared.

Turning to face her, the satisfied smirk on her face said it all.

Oops, she said then giggled.

I'm going to fucking kill you bitch! I roared. But she'd have to be dealt with later.

Shaking myself free of the guys, I stormed straight over to Tank and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck.

Take me to her.

She's coming back tomorrow anyway boss, just leave it till then won't ya?

Don't you dare tell me what to fucking do I hissed. I said, take me to her. NOW!!

Well aware that I was over the limit, I jumped in the driver's seat. I'd landed a nasty blow to Tanks eye, and it had now swollen shut, leaving him to ride shotgun and direct me.

I couldn't believe I'd be with her soon. I'd be able to set things straight and make sure she never fucking leaves again.

I wondered where the hell we were when Tank directed me into the empty driveway of some rich fucking townhouse.

As we got out of the vehicle, Tank paused.

Shit, somethings not right Reaper.

Even in the dark it was obvious. The front door to the house was wide open.

Holy fuck, home invasion Tank yelled running inside.

Alexis! You here babe? I called out, panic in my voice.

As Tank flicked the light on, it was apparent no such thing had taken place.

The house was immaculate, completely untouched and eerily quiet. It was obvious no one was here.

It doesn't make fucking sense Tank said turning to face me, but something past me caught his attention.

I turned to see what it was and my heart sank. There in the door way, was a small pool of blood.

Fuck! I roared. Racing back to the truck, I barely gave Tank enough time to get in before I slammed it into reverse and peeled of in the direction of the club.

Pulling out my phone, I dialed Tech's number.

I need you to get me any surveillance you can on an address I said as soon as he answered.

Whats the fucking address? I hissed at Tank as I put the phone on speaker.

As soon as he told Tech, I disconnected the call and turned my attention back to driving. We were almost back at the club. To think she'd been so close this entire time and my own fucking best friend was helping hide her from me. I still wasn't finished with him.

Pulling into the park, I skidded to a stop.

If anythings happened to her its on you, I said to Tank coldly before making my way inside straight to Techs office.

As I sat watching the video on the screen, I was blind with rage. Tech had managed to pull a neighbors security camera, which provided a direct view of the front door. Watching her and Tank all fucking cosy already had me wound up, but after he left and I watched those dirty fucking Serpant bastards smack Alexis over the head with a baseball bat and take off with her in a van, I snapped.

Throwing the monitor across the room, it shattered into pieces against the wall.

My rage still not satisfied, I flipped the desk before stalking from the room.

Grunter!!!!! I roared. Call church now.

We're going to fucking war.

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