73. Reaper

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AJ had built himself an amazing little family, no doubt about it. A part of me envied what he had.

His wife had been so warm and welcoming, and Matilda had taken an instant liking to me. Unky Dom as she likes to call me. Everytime she said it I felt a giant ass smile grace my face.

She didn't leave me alone the entire night, from the time we returned from the bar, right up until her mom put her foot down and insisted she go to bed. I'd been personally introduced to every stuffed animal she owned, and had my first ever tea party. It was exhausting, but I loved every second. And I could see how happy it made AJ, seeing his daughter and brother bond.

The only things wrong with the picture was my woman missing from my side, and the dull ache in my chest everytime I looked at that sweet little girl, and wondered about my own child I never got the chance to meet.

"You ready" AJ yelled, banging on the door.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I replied, opening the door to find hims tanding there in a singlet and sweats. Turns put he was dead serious about an early morning gym session.

After introducing me to the fellas at the gym, we got stuck into the bags. It wasn't long before I worked up a sweat, and I had to stop and pull my singlet off to relieve some heat.

After another ten minutes beating the shit out of the bag I was puffed, and walked over to a bench to sit and catch my breath.

AJ came to stand infront of me, and I was just waiting for the comments about being outlasted by my baby brother, when I heard a small gasp from him. I looked up to see what his problem was, and saw his eyes burning directly into the scripture tattoo across my chest.

"Holy fuck Dom why the fuck didn't you tell me! You had a kid?"

The familiar sting in my chest resurfaced.

"No. We had a miscarriage" I said bluntly.

"Fuck bro that's rough. I'm so fucking sorry brother" he said patting me on the shoulder. "Was it with..."

"Alexis" I finished for him. "Think that makes it fucking hurt all the more."

He didn't say anything else and I was glad. There was nothing anyone could ever say that would make it better or make the pain less. I'd learnt to live with it.

"Come on" he said, snapping my out of my daze.

"Let's go home. I'm sure Tilly would love it it her favorite uncle took her to the park for the day."

The thought instantly perked me up a little, so we got changed and headed back to AJ's place. After picking up Tilly, we spent the rest of the day at the playground keeping the little lady entertained.

"So... your going to come home for Grunters service? I asked casually as I pushed my niece on the swing.

"I told myself I'd never go back there, but I guess I owe it to the bastard to come and pay my final respects. We may not have gotten on, but he was still my father."

I nodded, relieved he wasn't putting up much of a fight.

"Will you bring Di and Tilly?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I never thought my past would catch up with me. Di knows everything, but I don't think she'd be willing to put Tilly at risk."

"Talk to her. See what she thinks. If she's keen, I swear on my life the both of them will be safe there. You can take the apartment above ours...mine. For as long as you need."

"Thanks brother" he said. "Speaking of Di, I better call her and let her know we'll head home soon."

He stepped away, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"Hey babe...yeah everything's fine...she's gunna sleep like a baby tonight...no don't stress, I'll call and order a couple pizza's and we'll pick them up on the way home...no worries hun, least I could do...love you too, see you soon."

After grabbing a couple pizza's and some fries from the local takeout, we made our way back to AJ's.

"When are you leaving?" He asked me as we went inside.

"I gave myself a week, but you were pretty fucking easy to track down, so I was thinking Monday if that works for you? Give us time to get the service dealt with before you have to be back at work Thursday."

He looked confused. "How do you know I go back then?"

"Your receptionist spilled the beans" I said with a smirk. "Go easy on the poor girl, I promised you wouldn't fire her, and she really didn't stand a chance against my... charm." I grinned and he laughed.

"Some things never change" he smirked. "Alright, I'll talk to Di tonight and see what she thinks."

"Di, baby... we're home" he called out, putting Tilly down as I carried the food through to the dining room.

Dianna was sat at the dining table, looking rather pale, my phone sitting on the table in front of her.

"Shit, are you ok?" I asked as AJ came into the room.

"I'm sorry" she spoke quietly. "I didn't even think."

"Hey, tell me what happened?" AJ asked her gently, kneeling down beside her and taking her hand.

"I didn't mean to. I honestly didn't. I don't even know what I was thinking.
I just answered it. God I hope I haven't fucked anything up."

She looked genuinely distressed, and I could see the concern on AJ's face.

"Slow down and tell me what happened Di."

She took a deep breath. "Dom's phone rung. I don't know why but I answered it, honestly it was just habit. Anyway, after I said my name the call ended, and when I looked at the screen, it was Alexis who had called."

My breathing hitched in my throat. AJ looked at me, worry etched on his face.

"Don't worry about it, I'll sort it" I said, grabbing my phone from the table and heading to the guest room.

I dialed her number, but she didn't pick up. Fuck. I tried again, but still nothing. Why did shit like this always happen to me?

I was just about to head back to the dining room when my phone vibrated in my hand.

A voice message from Alexis.

I opened it immediately.

"Fuck you... Reaper" I cringed at her use of my club name. She was slurring, and it didn't take much to work out she was shitfaced drunk.

"I hope your having the time of your life with Dianna". She emphasized the name. I hope her pussies tighter than mine." I heard Tank snort in the background and Alexis giggled then the message ended. I saw red.

That mother fucker was drunk with my woman, and no doubt encouraging her to pull this stupid shit. I called back straight away but there was no answer.

Taking a deep breath, I resorted to her little game. I only recorded a few words.

"Dianna is my brothers wife."

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