1. Alexis

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Get your ass out here Lexi. Tyler's threatening to go without us if you don't move girl! my best friend Charlie's voice rang out from down the hall.

Giving myself a final once over in the mirror, I straightened my leather jacket, flicked my long dark red locks from out of my collar and left the bathroom slinging my little black pub bag over my shoulder on the way out. I can do this. No big deal. Its just a night out with the girls.

What took ya so long babes, for a second there I thought you mighta been trying to bail on us, Charlie called to me across the room as I entered the kitchen. Funny, like you'd let me even if I wanted too, I replied as I made my way over to the table where she was draining the last of a bottle of Jack into a few shot glasses, one of which she handed to me.

Damn right she answered, a little louder than usual, definitely tipsy already. Throwing her arm around my shoulder, she brought up the one subject I was hoping to avoid the entire evening, possibly the rest of my life if I could.

You know Alexis, I knew from the moment he started changing you that that asshole who shall not be named was a real piece of shit but I knew you'd figure it out eventually, I'm just sorry it took you so bloody long. And I'm still angry as shit that you never told me how bad things were at the time, else I would have hunted him down, beat the shit outta him and rescued you myself.

I felt my cheeks burn up as Sasha and Lily, Charlie's workmates she's invited out with us both stared at me with a look of both curiosity and pity. God I could kill Charlie and that big half drunken mouth of hers. Most people who know me know I had a bad break-up, but I was only ever brave enough to tell Charlie the full details of what really happened and right now I was regretting even letting her in.

Are we going or what? Tyler, Charlie's brother spoke up from behind us, breaking the tension in the room. It was obvious he didn't want to be here, but Charlie said something earlier about him owing her a favor so he's stuck being our sober driver for the night.

Bottoms up bitches and let the night begin! Charlie hollered.
We all downed the shots she'd passed around earlier, and headed out. I took one last look at our tiny little apartment as i pulled the door shut behind me. This place had become somewhat of a sanctuary to me the past six months while I healed from the traumatic experience that was my relationship. I can count on one hand the number of times I've left the place since it all went down, relying on Charlie to pretty much keep me alive.

But not anymore. It's time for a fresh start, and maybe its the slight buzz of the alcohol but I actually feel like I can handle it.
Plus, tonight we are celebrating. After weeks of nagging from Charlie, I'd finally put together a portfolio and applied at a few of the local tattoo shops and much to my suprise as of Monday I will be an employed woman. Just a small place but its a start, and I couldn't be more excited.

A car horn blasting snaps me of out my thoughts, and I turn to see all the girls already piled into Tyler's car. I squeeze into the back beside Sasha and Lily just as Charlie cranks the music up. An old favorite of ours blasts from the speakers and I can't wipe the smile that's taken over my face. One of the girls hands me some sort of pre mixed drink which I take and sip on, belting out lyrics with the girls as we speed along the road toward the inner city.

I hear the club before I see it. The sound of heavy metal vibrated through the car, sending a shiver up my spine. I never realized how much I missed this, going out, dancing, meeting new people. Its been far too long.
Tyler pulled up to the curb just outside of the club. Alright we're here, get out, he grumbled. Charlie you and Alexis both have my number, don't use it unless your desperate. Stay safe, blah, blah. Shit you know the drill Charlie, just go.

Charlie leaned over and gave Tyler a peck on the cheek. Thanks big bro, knew I could count on ya!
Getting out of the car, I could definitely start to feel the effects of our pre-drinking session start to take hold.
God I hope Jaydens on door, I do NOT feel like waiting in line tonight. Girl just wants to get inside and shake her ass with her besties, said Char, grinding her ass against mine as a couple of guys in the line whistled and cheered her on.

She strode confidently up to the front of the queue with the three of us in tow, ignoring the glares from people waiting in line. Jayden, baby, so glad your here. Charlie ran up to the bouncer on the door who took all of 10 seconds to give her a proper checking out from head to toe, lingering a little longer on her boobs barely contained in her tight dress. He was good looking, I'd give him that. Not my type for sure but judging by the interaction between him and Char, she's definitely screwed the guy a time or two.

Its no secret that Charlie likes to have a good time. The girl is drop dead gorgeous and she knows it, using it to her advantage wherever she could. Having a best friend like her can sometimes be damaging to my own self image, but she's loyal as the day, and quite literally the only friend I currently have in this shitty world. And I love her like a sister. When my parents died in a drug fueled car chase when I was 10, leaving me with no blood relatives left, Char's family took me in as their own and raised me alongside Charlie and Tyler without hesitation. I'll forever be grateful for all they've done for me, and still do.

You just gonna stand there all night or are you coming in? Char asked, snapping me from my thoughts once again. Giggling, she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door, throwing Jayden a seductive wink on the way passed. Come find me when your finished babes, she said, blowing him a kiss and before I knew it we were inside.

Taking a deep breath, I studied my surroundings. The place is packed already. A live band takes centre stage, belting out heavy metal classic after classic. All around it, bodies of all shapes and sizes sway, dance, headbang, and whatever else you can think of to the beat. The bar was located on the far wall, with gorgeous model type women serving in what looked to be some sort of lace and leather lingerie number. Some uniform I smirked to myself. A hulk of a bodyguard blocking the entrance to a narrow staircase was what I could only assume to be the entry to the second floor of the club, or the VIP area as us normies call it. Looking up I could just make out figures leaning against the rails of the second floor balcony, but the smoke and lights were too much to make out anything more than that.
I made a mental note of where the bathroom was for later, then tugged Char's hand. Let's go get a drink, I suggested once I had her attention, which earned a delighted squeal from her. Now we're talking! Drinks first, then you and I are going to show all these bitches how its done on the dancefloor she laughed, dragging me in the direction of the bar.

Now I know your hella outta practice, so just follow my lead. If there's one thing to remember, its that hot bitches like us don't pay for our own drinks she told me with a mischievous smile on her face. Adjusting her boobs in her bra, she pushed her way up to the bar with me behind, and squeezed us in next to a group of guys. She struck up a conversation with a couple of them, and not even 5 minutes later after a few flirtatious smiles and giggles from Charlie, we were both making our way to the dancefloor, free drink each in hand.

Where's Lily and Sash? I yelled at Char over the intense drum solo currently being played. I didn't even notice them disappear. They're around somewhere, both their boyfriends are in the band so we won't see much of them she yelled back. Its just you and me baby, she said and slapped my ass. As we pushed our way into the middle of the floor, the drum solo wrapped up, and the intro for People=Shit by Slipknot started up. Oh my God, its our fucking song Charlie screamed at the top of her lungs and before long we were both grinding and headbanging with each other without a care in the world.

As the song finished and the next began to play, my cheeks were sore from laughing and smiling so much. Pulling Charlie into the biggest hug I could muster, I leaned up into her ear and whispered. Thank you for this, its just what I need. She just grinned at me. What are sister besties for? she replied, and we both went back to dancing with each other, not a care in the world about what was going on around us.

Fuck it feels so good to be truly living again.

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