30. Reaper

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Her scream was bone chilling. Unlike anything I'd heard before. It shook me to my core. Although my phone wasn't on speaker, it was so loud both the men with me heard, and stood alert, waiting for my orders. I tried ringing back, but it went straight to voicemail.

Let's ride men, follow me, I barked at them before jumping on my bike and peeling out of the carpark at speed. Thank fuck the job we were on was in the city, I could make it to her apartment in 10 minutes, 8 if I pushed my luck.

Reaching her apartment, my bike was barely on its stand before I was racing up the stairs two at a time, reaching for the gun in my holster.

I heard Tank and the Prospect hot on my heels, and as I got to her floor it was obvious her door had been kicked in. Making my way into her apartment, you almost wouldn't know anything was wrong. Apart from the smashed pot plant on the floor, all seemed fine.

The only door open was Alexis's room, almost like the bastard knew exactly where he was going.

Indicating to my men for silence, I crept forward, pulling my gun from its holster.

There, lying on her bed unconscious was my girl. Her left eye looked swollen and had the tell tale purple coloring of fresh bruising. Her nose was mangled and bleeding, her shirt torn. My heart broke for her.

And there pinning her legs down with his as he worked on the buckle of the belt I was so desperately glad she'd been wearing, was the fucker responsible. The man I could only assume was her ex. He was a big guy, I'd give him that, but no match for three hell bent bikers. The dumb fuck was so caught up in his sick fantasy that he didn't even notice us standing in the doorway.

Oi! What the fuck do you think you're doing, I shouted, gun pointed directly at him. The shock on his face made it evident we'd caught him off guard.
Just as I was about to squeeze the trigger, Alexis started to stir, and the small distraction was all he needed. In the blink of an eye he produced a blade from his waistband, and had it pressed against the delicate skin of her neck.
Maybe I was wrong bitch. Maybe neither of us are making it out of here alive he spat at her.

I watched Lexi's eyes widen, before she let out another ear piercing scream as the blade pierced her skin slightly, drawing blood.

I pulled the trigger, driven by the pain of my girl, and put a bullet right through the fuckers head. He slumped forward onto Alexis, smothering her. Dropping my gun I closed the distance between us, ripping his lifeless body off of her and throwing him to the floor like a rag doll. Deal to it, and get someone to get a truck here asap! I barked at my brothers before returning my attention to my girl.

The small gash in her neck, about an inch in length, was bleeding profusely, but thank fuck it wasn't life threatening. She needed stitches though, for sure. Looking around the room, I grabbed what looked like a shirt of hers from the end of the bed and applied pressure to the wound. Tying it gently around her neck, I scooped her up bridal style and carried her out of her room, careful to shield her eyes from the lifeless piece of shit on the floor, then left her apartment with out a single glance back. No regrets. Except for not being here sooner.

Neither of us spoke as I carried her down the stairs and into the foyer of the apartment building.

Trucks 10 minutes out boss, Tank said to me, approaching from my left. Once its dark out, we'll move the piece of shit and dispose of it, then the prospects will clean up. I dunno what you wanna tell her flatmate...

Shit, I'd totally forgotten about Charlie.

Go up and find Lexi's phone. Text her saying that she's with me at the apartment and  can she sleep somewhere else tonight. Bring the phone with you when you head back to the clubhouse.

Sure thing boss, he said chirpily. The fucker got off on this sorta shit, and I couldn't help but grin at my best friend and the lengths he'd go to if I asked.

The truck pulled up minutes later, and I climbed in with a shaking Alexis on my lap.

Hurry the fuck up, I shouted at Speed, the driver, and I didn't have to tell him twice. He was the best the club had, and I was thankful they'd had the brains to sense the emergency and send him.

The mix of emotions inside me were threatening to overflow. Rage... so much fucking anger. At that sick fuck for having the fucking nerve to do that shit to any female, let alone my woman. At myself for not getting there sooner, before he had the chance to hurt her. Adrenaline... that all too familiar high that came with the rush of taking another man's life. Regret... that he'd gotten off lightly. A single gun shot was nothing compared to the torture I would have liked to inflict upon him. And the worst emotion of all... Fear. Fear that the beautiful woman in my arms had been damaged beyond repair this time; she was already so fucking fragile and scarred.

The weight of her in my arms had me snapping back to reality, and looking down at her I saw she'd lost consciousness. The t shirt around her neck was now thoroughly soaked in blood.

Fuck me and my stupid overthinking bullshit!

The truck slowed, and I was about to lose my shit at Speed when I realized we were pulling up infront of the clubhouse.

Throwing the door open, I all but leapt out of the vehicle, and in through the already open front doors. Doc was standing just in the door with a gurney and a couple old ladies who were trained nurses.

I lay Alexis on the bed and grabbed a side as the four of us wheeled her towards the infirmary.

Shit Reaper, who is she? What happened? Doc asked.

It doesn't fucking matter, just know she's important to me. Save her or I'll fucking kill you Doc, I threatened.

I'll do what I can, he replied firmly as we reached the infirmary. Following him inside, he turned around to stop me.

You can't be in here Reaper. You know the rules. I'll get Jenny to come find you when we're done, he said shoving me from the room.

Just as I went to shove him back and tell him where he go, a throat cleared behind me and I turned to find Grunter standing there, arms crossed, and a stone cold look on his face.


Reaper, my boy, care to explain to me what the fuck is going on in my own club?

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