16. Reaper

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Weaving through traffic, I made my way towards the street Black Soul Ink was supposedly located. Pulling onto the right street, I spotted the neon sign hanging roadside, and hoped they had something better than street parking for the bikes, which luckily they did.

Approaching fast, I had to slam on my brakes, almost causing Pencil to ride up my ass, as an ambulance came screeching out of the lot. As it took of at speed, lights and siren blaring, we pulled into the lot to see a crowd gathered outside the door staring in the direction the ambulance had disappeared.

Parking my bike and getting off, I straightened my cut and strode over to the group of people.

What the fucks going on here? Fuckers look like someone just died... I said casually.

A tiny brunette pulled herself from one of the guys arms and turned around, eyes red and puffy from crying, tears still running down her face. Her eyes filled with rage and burned into me.

That's not even the slightest bit funny you fucking dick. Who the fuck are you anyway she asked... then her eyes wandered from my face down to my cut as she read the name embroidered on my chest. Her eyes bulged and her jaw dropped.

Reaper... she whispered and I nodded.

She turned to the guy who'd been holding her. Ritchie, your gunna have to take care of this. I'm going to the hospital to be with her. I can't just stay here with my finger up my ass.
I'll call when I have any news, she called out already halfway across the car park, keys in hand.

Sorry about this man, I'm Ritchie, I own the place, the guy said, rubbing his hand down his face. What a fucking nightmare... he mumbled.

I followed him inside with Pencil behind me, and sat down on a comfy looking leather chair.

So... where's Alexis I asked, as Ritchie dropped himself in the chair opposite.

Thats the fucking problem, he grumbled looking stressed. Your artist, Alexis, she just left in an ambulance not even 10 minutes ago. Medical emergency. I can get one of my other guys to take care of you, and I'll throw in a discount. Alexis has everything drawn up ready to go... he trailed off, but I stood up.

Nah man I'm good, I want the chick who drew it up for me to do the work on me. Nobody else. I'll wait. You can still slap that discount on though.
Now if thats it, I'm out. I assume someone will be in touch to reschedule.

Yeh for sure, thanks man and sorry again, Ritchie started but I was already out of my chair and out the door.

Talk about shit luck, Pencil laughed, throwing a joint my way. I caught it, held it between my lips and dug around in my pocket for a lighter. After taking a hit and feeling the effects take hold, I leaned against my bike.

Shit better be worth it. I commissioned a few different shops to sketch up my idea, and hers was the best by a fucking mile, I told him

Could do with some more talent like that in the club shop ya know... specially since I don't know when my shoulders gunna be good enough to come back. Sucks having to shut up and lose profit. Not good for me or the club.

I nodded, throwing my helmet on and fastening it up. Just as I was about to start up my bike, the two other shop employees, who I hadn't noticed come outside approached us.

Hate to ask, but you got a light man? Used to bumming off the girls... but they ain't here right now... he stated obviously, fidgeting with the cigarette in his hands. It was clear this guy knew who we were, had heard the stories.

Pulling my lighter from my pocket, I tossed it at him, and he dropped it like an amateur. Keep it, was all I said as I walked my bike back out of the park and facing toward the exit.

Bit of drama for your arvo gentlemen, I heard Pencils voice behind me, and I silently cursed his naturally chatty nature. Brother was worse than a woman sometime I swear.

Yeh... I heard the reply. Bit of a shock actually. Lexi's a good mate so we're all a bit shaken up. Reckon I might go and give Kells a call actually, see if there's any update.

They turned and walked away, and I heard a bit of their conversation as they left.

Can't believe it man, she looked fine this morning.

I know bro, and a suspected miscarriage... didn't even know she was pregnant, or had a man even.

Fucked up shit alright.

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