47. Alexis

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The next few days went by in a blur.

If I didn't already know I loved Dominic, then our tattoo studio date well and truly confirmed it to me.

After seeing how amazing his ink came out I'd demanded Pencil give me the same.

Now we were not only forever bonded by tragedy, but ink as well. A tribute to our unborn child.

Grunter had given the word that once The Devil's Rejects left, lockdown was over, meaning Dom would have to go back to working at the garage, and I could start at the studio, so we'd been spending all the time possible together.

Aside from a couple of runs he had to go on for the club, when I'd go and hang out with the old ladies, we were basically inseparable. I'd come to learn that a run was pretty much some sort of dodgy exchange, drugs, guns, that sorta shit. So I always worried when he left, but the sex when he'd return was almost worth watching him leave everytime.

We'd moved into our new room. Not that it was a room anymore, we had one of the top floor apartments, basically our own place. And I loved it. I couldn't wait to get out and do some shopping to personalize the place.

The gym had been a total fail. After teaching me the basics on the bag and then a few sparring rounds between us, it was obvious Dom was going easy on me and I wasn't going to learn shit, so I recruited Tank to help out much to Doms dismay.

The first time Tank landed a decent punch I had to stop Dom from knocking his lights out, but I was slowly getting better. Using my size and speed to my advantage I'd managed to land a few decent blows myself.

Now, as I stood in the bar with Jenny and Deena, restocking the fridge while they barked orders at the club whores I couldn't help but laugh.

Life had changed so much in the last few months, and I've never been happier. We were getting the last bits ready for the arrival of the highly anticipated Devil's Rejects.

"Whats got you so chipper?" Deena asked.

"Oh, nothing." I replied. "Life's just really fucking good right now."

"Well I for one am glad your so happy here hun, you fit in so good. And its so nice to have our first next gen old lady. I know he hasn't made anything official, but that man's head over heels for ya honey."

I blushed. Right now I was somewhere in between. No way in hell was I anything near a club whore, and not an old lady...yet.

"Excited to start work Monday?" She continued.

I nodded. I'd loved spending so much time with Dom, but after getting the job in the city I'd forgotten how much I loved tattooing, and then it was gone again. So to say I was ready to get back into it was an understatement.

"Was I the only one glad to here this clubs only here for the weekend?" I asked.

"Fuck yes, they're a right bunch of assholes this lot." Jenny answered.

"Wait, you know them?" I asked, suddenly intrigued.

"Not me, but Gunner hates the bastards, not that he'd give me a reason why when I asked?"

"Wait, so why would Grunter invite them then if even his own VP has issues with them?"

"Well you didn't hear it from me..." Jenny continued leaning in so just Deena and I could here.

"But I overheard Grunter and Gunner one night, and it sounds like there was a bit more to the truce that was called way back than what Grunter ever let on. I don't think he could have said no even if he wanted too".

My curiosity was peaked, but just as I went to ask more, the bar door swung open and all the men filed in, church having had obviously ended.

I watched as my talk, tatted hunk of a man strode straight up to me, wrapping me in his arms and delivering a passionate, steamy kiss right to my lips, earning a swoon from the old ladies, while the whores muttered and glared in their little group. I caught the tall black haired chick I'd seen at the bar making eyes at me. Couple more lessons with Tank and I'd show the bitch I'm not one to fuck with.

"Rejects'll be here in a couple hours" he stated, letting me go.

Grabbing beers from the fridge i started handing them out to the boys before cracking one for myself. Everyone looked on edge and I didn't know if that was normal or what but it was making me nervous.

The whole club was here, roughly 40 men without counting the unpatched prospects. We were expecting 25 riders Dom had told me, and they'd be in Friday, out Sunday. Something about business in the city.

As the sun began to set, the party was getting into full swing, and I sat in my man's lap sipping a beer and admiring the madness around me.

All of a sudden the roar of a throng of motorcycles rang through the air, overpowering the sound system.

"Back soon babe" Dom said, slapping my ass as I climbed off his lap.

"Duty calls".

All the patched members left, heading out to greet the guests. Jenny and Deena joined me at the table where I sat, plonking more beers down infront of me which I gladly accepted. My nerves were fried, but there was no way I was going to let it show. The old Alexis maybe, but not now.

About ten minutes later, the door swung open, held by Dom. He instantly scanning the room until his gaze met mine and he physically relaxed.

Grunter came next, and then a sea of patches flooded in the door. As I watched the men file in, I realized just how good looking the men in Hellbound were compared to this motley crue.

I could no longer see Dom through the crowd, which I needed to calm my nerves.

"I'm just going to find Reaper" I told the ladies before getting up and walking through the crowd.

I made out the back of his head standing with Grunter and the two older Reject's but as I made my way toward them, passing a table of guys dealing up a poker game, one of them slapped my ass, freezing me to the spot.

But it wasn't fear that gripped me. No, it was rage. Turning to face the culprit, I was greeted by a weasel of a man. Greasy black slicked back hair, hollow brown eyes, drawn out face, and a sickly complexion. So skinny I swear even I could snap him like a fucking twig. Flashing a twisted, evil smile, he patted his knee.

"Take a seat darlin, I been watchin ya with them there old ladies since I walked in the door. No patch on you though I see. Ain't never seen a whore so pretty before."

"Excuse me" I demanded.

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