7. Alexis

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At first the crisp night air was a welcome relief to my system, but I quickly felt my body temperature start to drop and it wasn't long before goosebumps starting appearing on my bare skin.

Dom noticed almost instantly, pulling me a little closer to him if that was even possible. Not once since we left the pub had he taken him arm from around my waist, but I didn't mind. To tell the truth I actually really liked it.

You all good Rose? he asked. Yeh I replied. Don't ask me why I'd given him a fake name it just felt like the right thing to do in the moment. And it wasn't exactly fake... just my middle name. My mothers name.

I didn't know how long we'd been walking for, but a clock on a nearby building told me it was almost 1am Saturday morning. I still didn't even know where we were, but nothing seemed to matter as we walked in comfortable silence.

Thank you... I whispered, not sure if he even heard me. But he stopped walking and turned to face me, letting go of me in the process. I instantly missed the warmth his touch brought. What was wrong with me? I swore I'd never let myself close to another man again after what Logan did to me, but I felt so comfortable with this handsome stranger, it almost felt like the walls I'd built up around my heart started to slip, just a little. But I couldn't let that happen. There was no way I could handle being hurt again, even in the slightest.

What for? He asked, and for a second I wondered what he meant, but then I remembered my comment moments before my thoughts overtook my brain.
For everything. The alley. The pub. Right now. A man was the last thing I was looking for tonight, yet you seem to be exactly what I needed without me knowing it. You know, if you hadn't saved me tonight honestly I wouldn't have given you the time of day. I'm just not in the right headspace at the moment. Don't know if I'll ever be.

I looked him in the eye and he looked genuinely hurt. Then a flash or anger shone through his eyes.
Looked like you were in the right headspace back there in the club with that fuckwit Steve or whatever his name on rubbing himself all over you.
My mouth dropped open, speechless for a second. You... you saw that? I stammered.

Of course I fucking saw it. I saw you the moment you walked in the damn club! Your the most attractive woman I've seen in my fucking life. Watching him touch you made my blood boil, and I've got no right to feel that way, I don't know you, you don't know me. And then what happened in the alley? I could have killed him right there on the spot. And his pathetic mate. No woman should ever go through anything like that. And I swore I'd never feel like this again, but there's just something about you Rose and its driving me fucking insane.

I could see every emotion that was running through him, as if his eyes truly were the windows to his soul to his soul, and here he was opening them just to me. Fear, pain, sadness, anger.
It scared and excited me at the same time. How the hell had we gotten here in what, a few hours. I couldn't deny i felt it too though. I was drawn to this handsome stranger, something about him pulled me in, made me want to know more. But I couldn't entertain anything of the sort. I had to shut whatever this was down, and fast.

Well I'm sorry saving me was such an inconvenience for you. I snapped, instantly regretting the words the second they'd rolled off my tongue.
For just a split second he looked genuinely hurt. But then it was gone and all that was left was anger.
That's not what I fucking said and you know it, he spat. I should have been scared but I wasn't.
Tell me you don't feel it too, he shouted. Say its all in my head and I'll walk away right now. But I want to get to know you Rose.

Sorry, I lied, staring at the ground to avoid his gaze. FUCK! he roared, making me flinch.

And he did. He turned, around and walked away from me. I stood there, frozen to the spot just waiting for him to stop and come back. But he just kept walking.

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