38. Reaper

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Alexis was overwhelmed, it was pretty fucking obvious to see.

As desperately as I wanted her to meet the boys, I shoulda fucking listened to her and waited till she was ready. The scene infront of us was a lot to take in for anyone, let alone a pretty little thing like her with zero club experience.

I considered taking her back to my room and just ravishing the fuck out of her body all night; the dress she was wearing was sexy as all hell, it took every ounce of willpower just to leave my room and not just take her there on the spot. The thought of other men seeing her dressed like that put a fire in my belly.

The light makeup she'd taken a fucking century to apply covered the slight yellowing of her healed bruises. And somehow the woman had gotten away with still having a perfectly straight nose after having it broken, a small lump on the bridge was the only indicator left, and even that made her paranoid about her appearance.

I'd never understand woman. Always the fucking insanely beautiful ones that seem to have issues with their looks.

My name being called across the bar brought me back down to Earth. Fuck, no running away now.

Making our way to the bar, the prospect seated next to Grunter quickly scurried away, leaving me free to take the space. Alexis stood awkwardly, and in one swift move my hand was around her waist and pulling her down into my lap.

Lex, I want you to meet someone important. This is Grunter, current President of the Hellbound MC, and my father.

Hello darlin' nice to meet yer finally. Heard plenty bout ya, Grunter spoke, taking her hand in his and kissing the back of it.

Nice to meet you, she replied shyly.

What's yer poison? Grunter asked, motioning for the prospect behind the bar.

Just a Jack on the rocks, she answered and my father grinned.

I like her already son. Half expected ol Jimmy here to have to learn how to make em poncy ass cocktails you city girls seem to love.

As the drink was placed infront of her, she downed it in one, and my fathers grin only grew wider.

Shit little lady, thats how you deal to a fucking drink, he jostled, lifting his own and repeating her actions, before motioning for another round.

As much as I enjoyed watching her bond with my father, I didn't wanna risk her shitface drunk around all these men.

Doing the rounds of the room, I introduced her to all the brothers, ignoring the burning glares the club whores were shooting her way.

What's their problem? She whispered in my ear after the sluts dancing on the stage had stopped dancing to stare and point at Lex, not even bothering to hide their gossiping.

Ignore them, I said loud enough for them to hear. They're just fucking jealous. Just means there's one less chance of one of them making old lady not that there was a chance anyway.

What do you mean old lady?

Once again I'd forgotten just how oblivious to club life she was.

Its like a club wife, but more important than marriage to us. Once you make a woman your old lady, you belong to each other, for life. The club becomes her family as much as it is his.

Do they still partake in... this?

Some of the brothers still get their dicks wet in the whores now and again. The old ladies know, its just an unspoken term that they turn a blind eye too. But to tell you the truth Lex, if I found my woman, my soul mate, and she agreed to be my old lady, I'd have eyes only for her. I'd belong to her as she would me.

My mother and father had that before my mom died. He vowed to never take a woman again when she passed, and as far as everyone knows the man stuck to his word.

She looked back to where Grunter sat alone at the bar, a new respect for him shining in her eyes.

So Jenny and Deena... they're old ladies then?

Yep, last two of the first generation them ladies. Sorta become like second mothers to me over the years.

As if on queue, the two woman got up from the booth they'd been nestled in with their men, exchanging kisses as they left and made their way to us.

Alexis, we were just talking about you the other day, wondering when you'd show ya face round here again, Jenny spoke.

We had such a good time the other day, its nice to have another real woman around the place, Deena added, shooting the gang of club groupies a killer stare as she spoke.

Reaper, we're kidnapping your girl for a while. Sorry not sorry.

I could only nod helplessly as Jenny dragged Alexis off to an empty booth, while Deena made her way to the bar. Seconds later she appeared at the table too, equipped with three shot glasses and a full bottle of Jack.

Well, looks like she's fitting in nicely, Tanks voice came from behind me. Handing me a beer, he stood behind me as we watched the ladies down a shot each before something was said and they erupted into fits of giggles.

She's hot. I'll give you that. Tank spoke again.

She's mine I growled. Off fucking limits.

Chill brother, Tank laughed. You've barely taken your eyes off her since you got here, I think that much is pretty fucking obvious.

I had to admit he was right. I couldn't tear my eyes from her if I wanted to. Partly making sure I knew where she was and was ok at all times, but I could watch her forever. She was so fucking sexy, smiling and laughing along with the old ladies like they'd known each other a lifetime.

Sitting where she belongs, I thought to myself. She'd be my old lady one day.

Thinking back, I suppose that should have been one of my first warning signs with Ivy. When she met the club, she got along like a house on fire with the club whores, not an ounce of time or respect for the old ladies.

Ain't hindsight a fucking wonderful thing.

Whats that all about? Tank asked, and I looked to see Pencil looking like a man on a mission, making his way straight to the old ladies table. A conversation ensued, and before I knew what was happening, Alexis was throwing herself into his arms. He hugged her back before spotting me across the room and instantly letting her go.

I watched as she took his hand and dragged him over to me.

Babe!!! She spoke excitedly, you didn't tell me you knew Karl!!! I sniggered as he cringed at her use of his real name.

Ahh... I kinda go by Pencil now he said uncomfortably, glancing at me.

Well you did always have one of the damn things tucked behind your ear 24/7 she giggled.

Man seeing you reminds me how much I miss work... she continued.

Why don't you come by the shop sometime? Pencil asked. I've only just come back to work after my own injury, wouldn't say no to a hand working through the backlogue.

I'll think about it she promised, before heading back to the table with the ladies, who promptly poured her another shot, while smirking at me.

They were tryna get my girl hammered, and by the looks of things it was working.

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