6. Reaper

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We'd been searching the streets for what felt like hours. I knew it was an almost impossible task; the city was huge and I'd given her too much of a head start. But something inside me needed to see her again, to know that she's ok.

My phone blared in my pocket and as I pulled it out Tanks name popped up on screen. Any luck? I snapped. Not a sign he replied. Sorry man.
I sighed and rubbed my hand down my face. All good. Go home man. Probably ain't wise to go back to the club, imagine the cops are all over the place by now. I'm gonna look around a little longer then head home myself.

Roger that boss. Think that's enough excitement for me for one night anyway. Think I might head back to the clubhouse and try out one of these whores your so fond of, he joked.

I hung up, not in the mood for his shit. Grabbing a cigarette out of my pocket i realized I must have lost my lighter somewhere. There was a seedy looking bar across the road with a couple old guys hanging around outside, so I crossed the road. As I got closer, I caught their conversation and it stopped me dead in my tracks.

Pale as a ghost when she came in I tell ya, looked like she'd been running from the devil himself.

Must be about Katie's age. I tell ya if my daughter was sitting in this kinda pub at this time of night, and drinking like that, I'd have serious words for the girl. Maybe we should offer her a ride home.

Could it be her? Forgetting the lighter, I walked straight passed the men and into the pub. Scanning the room, I couldn't find her and was starting to think I was losing my mind when suddenly she got up from a booth in the far corner. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. You could tell she'd had too much to drink by the way she was using the table to hold herself up. I started making my way across the room towards her when she turned and tripped, and in a flash I was across the room and had my arm around her as I pulled her to her feet.

She wiggled free and turned to face me, and instant recognition flashed across her face.
It's you... she whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear. It's me, I replied.
Oh, uh, hi she spoke again, rubbing her arm awkwardly. Look, about earlier she slurred, and then stumbled and almost fell over again. Instinctly my hand shot out to grab and steady her.
Sitting back down in the booth she took a deep breath. You ok? I asked, sitting opposite her.
Uh, yeh just a bit much to drink I think, she replied, then hiccuped sending herself into a fit of giggles which was music to my ears.

No worries beautiful, names Dominic I said, giving my real name without hesitation. Call me Dom. I NEVER gave my real name, but for some reason I wanted her to know me. Not Reaper the up and coming MC President. Just me.
I'm Rose, she replied and I couldn't help but grin. Gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl, I flirted, which sent her into another fit of giggles.

But seriously Rose, I continued... kinda girl that looks like you needs to be more careful. Plenty of sick bastards out there just looking to take advantage. I'm fucking glad I was there tonight to save your ass but next time you might not be so lucky.

I know, she replied quietly, avoiding my gaze and fidgeting with her hands on the table. Then I noticed the lone tear dripping from her face onto her hand.
Shit! The last thing I wanted to do was upset the girl, but the thought of anything bad happening to her made me feel sick. I can't remember the last time I wanted something so badly in my whole fucking life. And it scared me.

Hey, none of that shit, I said sternly, lifting her chin with my hand, forcing her to look at me. Too pretty to cry, you are. She gave me a small smile which didn't meet her eyes, and I internally punched myself. I'd take her giggling and happy over this anytime.
Now I'd offer to buy you a drink but by the looks of it you've had enough of those, I joked, trying to lighten the mood, and surprisingly it kinda worked. She let out another giggle.
Yup, I think you'd be right there. I'm a lightweight, can't hold my liquor to save myself. I don't usually do this... actually who am I kidding I never do this. If Charlie hadn't begged me to come out tonight I'd be curled up in bed right now probably fallen asleep to a movie.

I tried to push the thoughts of her in bed out of my mind. What kind? I asked her and she looked at me confused.
What kind of movie? I asked again, curious to know something, anything about her.
Ahh, I like horror movies she said with a smile and then her face turned serious in a flash. They make me feel better about my own life, she whispered, which had me curious as to what exactly she meant, but judging by the pained expression on her face she didn't want to talk about it and I wasn't about to ask.

Nice, was all I could think of to say, and mentally slapped myself again. What the fuck is wrong with me? I asked myself again. I felt like a pathetic teenage boy trying to be cool infront of his crush. Not a feeling I particularly enjoyed.
Anyway, as fucking cosy as this little spot of yours is, I don't really think its me. Care to take a walk? I looked at her, standing and holding my hand out, hoping the desperation in my eyes wasn't showing.

When she reached up and took my hand, the sensation of her bare skin on mine sent tingles up my arm. What the fuck was that? I'd never felt anything like it but I sure as shit didn't want it to stop.

Sure, she replied, using her grip on my hand to pull herself up from the seat, instantly swaying. My arm shot out before I even realized it was happening and wrapped around her waist to steady her. Instantly she froze, but when she locked eyes with mine I felt her loosen up and lean into my arm. Fuck this felt so good. This is where she belongs. With me. In my arms. I wanted to pull her into me and kiss those full, inviting lips, but she didn't even know me, that last thing I wanted to do was scare her off me after all she'd been through tonight. No, I'd give her all the time she needs, but in my head she was mine.

I heard her sigh, and looked down to see her resting her head as close to my shoulder as her tiny stature would allow.
Think some fresh air will do me a world of good, she said with a small laugh. As I guided her towards the door I felt her gaze burning into me. Looking down at her, I raised my eyebrow at her. What are you thinking, trouble? I asked, which only had her bursting into yet another fit of giggles. A sound I could listen to all day.
Just thinking, if you turn out to be another fucking physco like Steve and his mate, atleast I've got some major eye candy in my final moments while you torture and kill me.
A growl escaped my lips before I could stop it, but instead of scaring her, Rose just erupted into another round of hysterical laughter.

The girl was trouble. And I liked it.

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