71. Reaper

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Pulling up outside the address the receptionist had given me, I was well aware I stuck out like a sore thumb in these surroundings.

The street looked like a proper little suburban dream. Quaint little houses with white picket fences lined the road, lawns all perfectly manicured. I parked my bike across the street and turned the engine off, just as the door to the house flew open.

A little girl ran out, excitement written all over her face. I would have guessed she was 3 or 4, with bright blue eyes and perfectly straight black hair braided down her back.

"Mommy, mommy! Come and watch me. You promised!"

She ran around the side of the house just as a female exited the house. 

"Alright, alright Tilly, I'm coming" she called after the girl, laughing and rolling her eyes.

All of sudden the little girl came peeling around the corner on a tiny pink push bike.

"Look at me Mommy! I can do it all by myself!"

Her mother laughed and clapped, and I watched as she wiped a tear from her cheek. You could see the love radiating off the woman.

"Look at you Tilly! Your such a clever girl! Daddy's been teaching you real good."

The little girl came to a stop next to the letterbox, and all of a sudden she looked up and our eyes met.

"Look Mommy, look!" She pointed at me  as I got off my bike and slowly walked across the road to them.

"Hi mister" she said. "Is that your motorbike? Its really cool!" She shouted the last line, gaining her mothers attention.

"Matilda, what have I told you about talking to strangers" she lectured the little girl.

"I'm so sorry sir, she's just a naturally curious kid. We're trying to teach her about stranger da..." she looked at me for the first time, and stopped mid sentence as her eyes fell on my cut.

"Andy... Andy get out here" she yelled, never taking her eyes off me.

The house door swung open again, and out came my brother.

"What's wrong Di?"

He looked at the woman and child, then  at me, and froze on the spot.

"Holy fuck" I heard him murmur, earning a disapproving look from the woman.

"Sorry love" he apologized, not taking his eyes off of me.

"Dominic, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Good to see you too brother" I replied with a chuckle.

"Wait, your my daddy's brother? the little girl asked.

"If this here's your daddy then I sure am, which makes me your uncle."

She beamed at me.

"I never had an uncle before" she said excitedly. "Only Aunty Paula, and she's grumpy. Like this one time..."

"Let's save the stories for late little miss" her mother said to her.

"Why don't we go inside and get some ice cream while daddy talks to his brother?"

The little girl flashed me one last smile before running back to the house singing 'ice cream' repetitively at the top of her lungs.

I looked at my brother as he watched them go, a look of adoration all over his face.

"So, you've got a girlfriend and a kid huh?" I asked once they'd disappeared back into the house.

"A wife and kid" he corrected me.

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