49. Ivy

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Such a simple, yet powerful word.

To some it was it was a pointless exercise. A waste of the precious time given to us on this Earth.

To others, it was everything. An all-consuming need that takes over your entire being.

My daddy was one of the latter. And he'd ingrained it in me since the moment I was born. I used to think he was just an angry man, but one day when I was 15, he sat me down one drunken night and told me his story and suddenly everything made sense  and I vowed in that moment to do whatever it took to aid him on his mission.

As I lay on the bed of the shitty, run down motel I'd booked, I couldn't help but think of the last time I was in this town.

I was an assassin, a hit man hand trained by my daddy Rocket, President of The Devil's Reject's. And I was fucking good at what I did. Nobody expect the sexy blonde with big tits to put a knife in ya, but I'd done it countless times and I enjoyed it.

This mark was the only one I'd missed to date, and the way it had all played out had eaten away at me since.

It had been a simple job. Reaper.

Son of Grunter, my daddy's longest friend and biggest enemy. The man who took everything from him and never looked back.

Take Reaper out by whatever means. Wipe out the next generation of Hellbound, and let the old man's world crumble around him. Give him a taste of his own medicine. My identity had to stay a secret though. Grunter wouldn't let me near his precious son if he knew I was Rockets daughter.

As my thoughts drifted to Reaper, I slid a hand inside the waistband of my shorts, rubbing up and down my already moistened pussy.

The man was a God. The sexiest thing I'd seen in my life, and the man fucked like his life depended on it. Hands down best sex of my life, and I'd had my fair share.

Rubbing my clit, I moaned at the thought of him pounding away inside of me.

Using my failproof seduction tactics, it wasn't long before I had him wrapped around my finger. Everything was going to plan. I was sure he'd make me his old lady any day and I was waiting till then to make my move, just to make it that little bit worse.

Until my stupid, stupid brother got himself killed for trying to take on a group of fucking gangsters. Alone.

And just like that, daddy lost his only son, the heir to his club. I was all he had left and he pulled me from the job faster than I could blink.

The whole club fell into disarray while daddy grieved, but soon enough, as it always does, the need for revenge outweighed his grief. His obsession with Hellbound once again taking priority.

He contacted an ally club who owed us a favor, to keep eyes on them and report back to us while we figured out our next move.

It had been music to my ears to hear that the man I lusted for was slowing losing his shit because of me.

Sliding two fingers inside myself, I started working myself, faster and faster, then slowing as I came close to the edge, teasing myself.

Once daddy saw the way the man pined for me, you could see his brain kick into overdrive.

And a new plan born.

A new mark selected.

Thinking maybe it wasn't the worst thing in the world to have the future of the Hellbound club like putty in our hands, he decided to go straight to the source and take out Grunter.

"He didn't have time to fuck around anymore". His words.

Taking Grunter out of the picture, leaving Reaper as the new president, my newfound spot as his old lady would give daddy a direct line to manipulate Hellbound as he saw fit, through me.

A patch over would be inevitable.

And I'd get to fuck Reaper whenever I liked.

Increasing my pace and rubbing my clit with my free hand, I climaxed, my pussy contracting around my fingers as I came.

Soon I wouldn't have to do it for myself.

Getting into the shower, I washed myself before getting into the tight fitting short leather dress and lacy black lingerie I'd brought for our reunion.

As I paced the room anxiously I thought about the one obstacle in my way.

Alexis Collins.

When I'd first seen the pictures I was certain she was just some dumb new club whore Reaper was fucking to help mend his broken heart, but when word came that he'd moved her into the clubhouse, I knew there was more to it.
But I wasn't worried. She didn't stand a chance against me.

My phone sounded from across the room. It was the message I was waiting for.

📨 Cleo
Good to go babes. Bitches are out. Church be running late tonight. I'll take care of the gates. Can't wait to have you back babes xx

Thank fuck for the contacts I'd made in my short time at Hellbound. When I contacted Cleo I wasn't expecting much, but she was only too happy to turn on her club for me. A fact I wouldn't forget once I was in charge.

Grabbing the keys to the rental car daddy had provided for me and my purse, I headed out the door.

Show time, bitches.

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