22. Reaper

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We were about 10 minutes into poker night when my phone rung. Fishing it out of my pocket, I almost fell off my chair at the name on my screen, gaining the attention of most of my brothers.

Assuming a pocket dial, I answered the call at the table, and was greeted with an unfamiliar voice. Instantly all the boys started playing up, wolf whistling, banging their fists on the table and thrusting at the air. I felt Grunter eye me curiously.

Who the fuck are you? I asked, but didn't hear her reply over the ruckus going on around me. As soon as I heard that familiar sweet voice though, I stood from the table abruptly, knocking my chair to the floor. I strode out of the room and into the deserted hallway.

After getting off the phone, I burst back into the game room, grinning like the cat that got the cream. Tank looked up at me, and a shit-eating grin took over his face, the same look that I'm sure was written all over mine.

Was that...?

Yeh brother. Fucking finally. I'm going to hers now, small get together or some shit. Don't wait up for me. I winked at him and he laughed.

Happy for ya brother, he started as I left the room, leaving him to field the questions my father and the other boys no doubt had. I had more important places to be.

After changing into a clean shirt, I slid my cut back on and headed for my bike. The closer I got to the address she gave, the more nervous I got. None of our other meetings had gone smoothly, why would I think this would be any different. But it was worth it to see her again.

As the elevator opened on her floor, the dull drum of heavy metal music greeted me. I knocked on the door and was greeted by the chick I'd seen Alexis at the club with.

Hi, she flashed me a flirty smile. You must be Lexi's friend.

Call me Reaper, I said bluntly.

Well, Reaper... she continued batting her eyelashes. I didn't like the vibe this chick was giving me.

So glad you could make it... she continued before stepping out if the way to allow me to pass. I walked in and scanned the room. About 15 or so bodies crammed into the tiny apartment. Some seated in the living room, others moving around the room, dancing or talking. But the only person I had eyes for was nowhere to be seen. Walking further into the room, I spotted her coming through a doorway, beer in hand. Fuck she looked good. Her long red hair was tied up in a high ponytail, with just a classy amount of makeup on her face. The dress she wore was a white tank top style with a skull pattern all over. It pulled in, revealing her tiny waist, and then flowed out over her hips and down to just above her knees.

I realized I was staring when she caught my gaze, smiling shyly and then turning back to the room she'd just left, only to return seconds later with a second beer in hand.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and my palms were sweaty. The woman made me nervous, a feeling I wasn't altogether comfortable with. But she was worth it.

Well fancy seeing you here, she greeted me as she made her way through the small crowd to stand infront of me, offering the beer out, which I gratefully took.

Look, about last time... I started but she was quick to interrupt.

Yeh I know we need to talk ok, but please not tonight. I just want to have a good time without thinking about the cluster fuck that is my life right now. Think you can handle that?

You got it sweetheart, I replied.

We stood around awkwardly for a while, making small chat and watching as the crowd around us got increasingly drunk. Fuck this, Alexis said out of the blue, looking around then room, then grabbing my hand and leading my towards one of the closed doors. Go in there, ill be back in a sec, she said before turning and disappearing.

I opened the door and walked in. It was her bedroom, and it took me by suprise. One wall was completely covered in heavy metal band posters, everything from Slipknot to Marilyn Manson. The opposite wall was covered in drawings and sketches, her own work I assumed. Her bed sat against the far wall, surrounded by photos. I walked over and began looking over them.

Most were of her and Charlie, some with an older set of people, and a couple with another guy. I felt a pit of jealousy settle in my stomach as my eyes lingered over a particular photo of the guy with an arm around each girl.

That's Tyler, Charlie's brother. I jumped, not realizing she was behind me. I turned to her and she shut the door behind her, setting a case of beer down on top of the desk and handing one to me before cracking one herself. She looked noticeably more drunk than when she left.

When my parents died, Charlie's parents took me in, so he kinda became like a brother to me.

Sitting on the bed and leaning against her headboard, she motioned for me to join her and she didn't have to tell me twice.

Sitting in silence as we sipped our beers, I couldn't believe my luck.

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