56. Alexis

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Waking up, I'd slept bloody well considering the circumstances. I was already late for work, and I wasn't going to go in and be confronted by Reaper or even Pencil, so instead I opted to work from Tank's place.

Using the computer in the office I'd found, I logged into my email and set about finding a pencil and some paper to start drawing up some client designs. It was the best I could do.

As I smoked the blunt Tank had left me, I let myself escape in my drawing, and before I knew it the sound of a vehicle pulling into the drive woke me from my daze.

Just me, Tank called as the front door opened and closed again. I stacked all my papers into a pile and went out to greet him.

How was your day?

Fine apart from a super moody workmate, he chuckled. But seriously, you know your really gonna have to deal either him sooner or later.

I know, I said sighing. But not today. Give me one more night.

Fine. But I really don't think he gives a shit about whether she's back or not. He only has eyes for you these days.

Well then how do you explain what I walked in on then huh? I'd told Tank everything that had happened, and just like me the more he thought about it the more skeptical he became.

Well you didn't actually see Reaper there, and I've told you I wouldn't put it past that crazy bitch to stage the whole thing.

Your right, I sighed. I'll talk to him tomorrow after work, just do me a favor and make sure he leaves me to it ok? I'll see him after work, on my terms.

No problem, bestie. Now I better head back to the club before he gets even more suspicious.

Sounds good, just one more favor, I asked batting my eyelids at him. I haven't eaten all day and I just realized how starving I am, and there's not a hell of a lot here to eat.

Let's go, he said and I squealed with excitement. I loved me a good takeout meal and it'd been far too long since I'd had a decent burger.

As we pulled up at the drive thru, he ordered us both a burger and fries and paid, a part I'd totally forgot about.

Promise I'll pay you back I said before digging into the food infront of me which tasted like pure heaven.

Returning to the house, I was about to jump out of the truck when Tank reached into his jacket pocket and threw a small bag of weed at me.

Thats what I thought, he chuckled as my eyes lit up.

Shut up I laughed. I like the way it makes me feel. Carefree, like I just don't give a fuck.

Yeh, well, you can explain your new little habit to your boyfriend he laughed as we walked inside.

As I walked throught the door, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling someone was watching us, or me.

Stop being fucking paranoid, I told myself. Tank swore nobody knows about this place. The blunt had me leaving my worries behind quick smart though, and before I knew it Tank was standing to leave, eyes squinted and bloodshot.

Better get back to the club, he said stretching his body before grabbing my hands and pulling me off the couch and into an embrace.

You sure your gonna be ok here by yourself for the night without your big strong bestie here to protect you?

I laughed. Ill be fine. Go. Probably best to be by myself and work through some of this shit in my head before I face him tomorrow.

Well, I'm here for anything if you need me ever. If Reaper gets word your at work tomorrow I'll do my best to keep him away, no promises though.

And if the conversation doesn't go well, you could always get revenge by sleeping with one of his much nicer, much more handsome, club brothers... he grinned.

I'll keep Pencil in mind I replied, trying my best to keep a straight face.

He feigned a hurt look, then gently slapped me round the back of the head.

Solid burn, Lex. But seriously, a woman like you might just make a man turn on his brothers.

He looked me in the eye, and there wasn't an ounce of dishonesty in his gaze.

Tank... I started but he cut me off.

Its cool Lex. All I'm saying is that if that man of yours is too stupid to see what he's got then he doesn't deserve you, and I bet there will be guys lining up to take his place.

I'd totally forgotten i was still in his arms. Seperating myself from him, I changed the subject to break the tension building in the room.

You better get back before Reaper send out a search party I chuckled, knowing full well he was more than capable of it.

True, he said. Can't have them knowing about our little sanctuary. We may need it in the future he said with a wink.

I couldn't help but laugh at the cheeky bastard. He really was my best friend.

Later bestie, he said grabbing me for a final squeeze before heading out the door.

Have fun I yelled after him.

Just as I settle on the couch and flicked the TV on looking for a movie or something to distract me, a knock sounded at the door.

Whats wrong I yelled out, getting up again. Decided you'd rather hang with me then a room full of sweaty male bikers I laughed, ripping the door open without a second thought.

The feeling of a blunt object around the side of my head had me instantly seeing stars. As my vision blurred, I grabbed the doorframe to steady myself and looked up at my attacker. I'd never seen the two men in my life.

What do you want? I asked weakly.

They laughed, and as my consciousness started to fade, I made out a green snake on the back of one of their jackets  as they dragged me into the back of a waiting van.

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