53. Alexis

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We'd driven around for a good 45 minutes and I still had no fucking idea where to go.

All I knew was I was angry. So fucking angry.

Tank had wisely kept his mouth shut for the first time since I'd met the guy.

He didn't ask, and I didn't tell. Whatever the hell I'd walked in on back there, I wasn't ready to talk about it.

The vehicle slowed, and Tank indicated to pull into a convenience store car park.

What are you doing? I asked.

Good question. What ARE we doing Alexis? Can I take you home yet?

No... I don't want to go back there just yet. Its just I... I don't really have anywhere else to go. Its fine, just drop me off somewhere I'll sort something, I mumbled, feeling the fight slowly leave my body.

Wait here. Tank said before jumping out of the vehicle and locking me in it, leaving me no choice either way. After five or so minutes he came back carrying a bag. Climbing back in and pulling the SUV out of the lot, he sped off with purpose, like he knew where he was going.

I swear if you take me back there I'll kill you, I said angrily.

Chill, bestie. I got us somewhere to hang.

Driving through town, he continued right to the outskirts before turning down a pretty suburban road. The kind where all the lawns and hedges were perfectly manicured, houses looking like they came straight from some sort of architectural magazine.

As we pulled up infront of one of the more modest houses on the street, I couldn't help but wonder what the fuck we were doing here.

Tank grabbed the bag and strode confidently up to the front door, tapping away at the lock box before it swung open to him. Pulling the key from inside, he unlocked the front door and swing it wide open before turning back to me.

You coming in or would ya rather sleep in the car? He asked with a grin.

Getting out and following him inside, I was in awe. The inside matched the outside perfectly. Sofisticated, minamilist decor graced the spacious home.

What is this place? I murmured.

Oh, just some place the club took from an old drug lord after we murdered him and his family...

Tank! I shouted, horrified. Then I saw the giant ass grin on his face.

Your too easy Lex, he laughed.

The place is mine, he continued. Not long before dad left us, mom came into some money from a long lost relative she never met who passed. She threw it in a trust fund under my name before dad had a chance to get his filthy mitts on it. And when I could, I bought this place. Figured it was a pretty good investment.

Wow Tank, I'm impressed. How mature of you, I said in awe.

He bowed, causing me to laugh.

So what's in the bag? Curiosity got the better of me.

The party, bestie. He replied with a grin, pulling two bottles of Jack, a cigarette and some papers from it, then opening up a drawer in the fancy open plan kitchen and pulling out a bag of weed.

You ever smoked up before Lex, he asked as he poured a glass each and proceeded to roll the fattest joint I'd seen in my life.

Only second hand, I replied.

He grinned like a school boy. Oh this is going to be fun.

As I lay back on the bed in a fit of hysterical giggles, I couldn't for the life of me remember what Tank had said that was so funny.

Between the weed and alcohol I felt so carefree, like the stresses of life had just melted away.

Inhale the goodness, exhale the bullshit. Thats what I always say, Tank said philosophically, taking another drag on the blunt and passing it to me.

The first couple of times I'd tried, I'd coughed my lungs out and Tank laughed till he cried. But I was getting used to it, and I loved how it made me feel.

So what's the plan, Stan? Tank asked, earning another round of giggles from me.

When I'd composed myself, I thought about the answer to his question.

I dunno. I don't even know what's going on. But I know what I saw and it doesn't look good for me. Ivy's back.

Holy shit, Tank replied. But surely Reaper will tell her where to go, he loves you Lex.

I thought so too Tank, I really did. But they fucked. At least I'm pretty sure they did. I walked in on the aftermath.

Shit Lex. What the fuck.

Yep. But I'm not taking this one lying down. I fucking love that man and I'm done running. I'll fight for him if I have to. I just need a bit of time to sort myself out first.

Well stay here as long as you need. Nobody knows about this place except me and mom so you'll be safe here. And I won't tell anyone until your ready. Just promise me you won't up and disappear, Tank said.

Ok, I agreed.

Jesus fucking christ, 23 missed calls and 14 text messages from your lover boy Tank said as he checked his phone, before turning it off and throwing it down on the couch opposite us.

We drank and smoked ourselves into oblivion, talking about any and everything. I'd never really had a man as a friend before, but it was nice to have a male perspective on things.

The room was starting to spin, and as I got off the couch, I put my arms out to steady myself as everything seemed to move around me.

Easy tiger, Tank joked, standing and putting his arm around me. He took my weight as he guided me through the house to one of the bedrooms.

You can sleep here he said, placing me gently down on the bed.

Without a thought I stripped down to my underwear, leaving Tank awkwardly glancing around the room at anything but my half naked body.

As I jumped under the covers, he turned to leave.

Sleep here with me tonight, I asked quietly, not wanting to be alone.

He hesitated, before throwing off his cut and walking across the room.

Your boyfriends going to fucking kill me he grumbled, climbing in beside me.

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