62. Alexis

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It was strange. Like being trapped in my own body, unable to move or speak, just a silent witness to the goings on around me.

I remember leaving the warehouse.

Being put into a vehicle.

The big Russian man trying to put my seatbelt on right before a bullet flew through the passengers window and straight into our drivers head, sending us veering off the road into something solid.

Being thrown around inside the car, unable to move to protect of shield myself in any way.

Then darkness.

So much darkness.

Voices I couldn't make out far off in the distance.

Then silence, apart from the occasional beep.

I couldn't open my eyes, couldn't move my body.

But I was starting to hurt. God did my body ache.

My mind was the only thing I had, and it was starting to wander. Where was I? Who was I with? What was in store for me?

Then it drifted to Reaper. It felt like it had been so long since I'd seen that beautiful man. He'd been so good to me and every single time I'd let my insecurities get in between us. I vowed if I ever saw him again I'd never run again. He could make me his old lady. I was his body and soul.

But the face of the Russian man still haunted me.

And Ivy. That scheming bitch. What kind of crazy woman goes to such lengths over a man?

Slowly, my eyelids became less heavy, and my body started to tingle as feeling slowly returned. Once I felt confident enough, I cracked my eyes open slightly.  My mind was still hazy, but I could make out sort sort of room with medical equipment scattered about.

I was hooked up to the usual monitors you see in hospitals, and an IV was in my arm. The room was dimly lit, I was alone. Shifting myself into an upright position, I could make out cuts and scratches all over my body, and bandages covering over what I guessed were the worst of my injuries.

Pulling the IV from my arm, I tried to stand as the monitor started blaring but my body was so weak I collapsed to the floor. The door opened and my heart stopped, until Docs familiar face appeared.

Shit Alexis, what the hell are you doing? He rushed across the room and pulled me up from the floor, guiding me back onto the bed.

I went to reply but my mouth was dry as shit.

Water... I said weakly, and he produced a small plastic bottle, unscrewing the cap and passing it to me.

Hand shaking, I raised the bottle to my lips and the cold water was like heaven.

Just take it easy Alexis, your bodies been through a lot. Do you remember much?

A little I croaked.

You were drugged. I'm not sure what with, I don't have the equipment to find out. Then you were in a car accident.

My head hurt.

Where's Dom? I whispered.

Oh shit, I was meant to call him as soon as you woke up. He didn't want to leave you but he didn't want anyone else dealing to Ivy.

Crazy bitch that one he chuckled, although there was nothing remotely funny about the situation.

You know they paid just under quarter of a million for you? Tech intercepted the transaction, its yours. Think of it as money for your trouble.

Laying back and closing my eyes, it was all too much to take in. My head hurt and right now I wanted nothing more than to be in Reapers arms, his strong, protective arms.

Strange, he hung up on me. Must not be done with her. I'll send him a message, he said typing away at his phone.

What will he do to her? I whispered. I had to know.

Kill her if she's lucky, Doc replied like it was nothing. Although, Reapers notorious for refusing to harm women or children. Maybe he'll get one of the boys to do it. He chuckled again.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

Doc opened it, then turned to me. You have a visitor if your up for it?

Obviously it wasn't Dom, he wouldn't be so polite as to knock before barging in here.

Sure... I said weakly, not entirely sure myself if I was up for company.

My mouth dropped as the door opened, and in walked the tiny brunette girl from the warehouse. As I studied her in better detail, I noticed she was skinnier than I remembered, and every bit of skin I could see was marbled with the discoloration of both old and fresh bruising.

Jessica... I murmured, and she instantly teared up as we both stared at each other in complete silence.

I guess you should probably thank her, Doc said looking at me. If she hadn't called and helped the boys track your location we wouldn't be here right now.

I looked at her in shock. You... you helped me?

She nodded her head, then after a moment or two she spoke.

You know, I wasn't going to. But when I heard Dimitri complaining about the price with you being mutilated, I figured you'd been through some shit. Just like me.

And I'd rather die trying than spend another moment as that horrible man's slave, so if there was a chance for either or both of us, I knew I had to take it.

Thank you, I choked through my tears.  You have no idea what my freedom means to me.

I think I do... she replied quietly as she stood. I'll leave you to rest now but I just wanted to see you. That Reaper man said I could stay here until I figure out what I want to do. I'm originally from Australia you know?

Of course, I said. Anything you need don't hesitate to ask. I owe you.

Thank you, she smile shyly before leaving the room.

I lied back on the bed, the first smile in a long time crawling across my face.

Now all I needed was my man and everything was right with the world again.

Closing my eyes and allowing myself to relax, my nerves were instantly shattered as the sound of a lone gunshot rang out through the club.

Holy shit! Doc yelled, grabbing his piece from the desk drawer and flying out the door leaving me alone again.

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