21. Alexis

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Oh my God I love it!!!! The overexcited girl screeched as she bounced up and down on the spot. Turning, she hugged me and I cringed.

As soon as she left, I breathed a sigh of relief, that had been a super painful hour. Girl wanted to chat like we were besties, and I just don't do that. Connecting to my speaker, I chucked my playlist on and began cleaning up as Five Finger Death Punch blessed my eardrums. The song cut out midway as the familiar ding of an incoming message rang out, before continuing the song.

I didn't even need to check who it was. It had been two weeks since our last... meeting, and he had been messaging almost daily since. I still hadn't replied, but it was oddly comforting to know that he both cared and respected me enough to keep his distance while still letting me know he was thinking about me.

Getting home, I was greeted by Charlie dancing around the living room, singing at the top of her lungs, obviously a few drinks deep already. As soon as she spotted me she ran to the fridge, grabbing a beer and tossing it my way. She turned the music down slightly before flopping herself down on the couch next to me.

Special occasion? I asked, motioning to the beer in her hand.

Nope she replied, popping the 'p'. Some of the guys from work are coming over later though. I could see the hesitation on her face before she continued. Well actually, I met a cute guy today...

Here we go... I said grinning and rolling my eyes. Another cute guy.

She slapped me playfully.

This ones different. Built like a stallion and fucks like one too. You know ya girl likes it rough, she continued, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and giggling.

Your just jealous. Its your own fault your missing out, I'm sure that biker boy of yours would come running if you snapped your fingers. I bet he's fucking gorgeous too, I need to meet this mystery man. Shit, maybe I'm the jealous one... she trailed off.
Then, Holy Fuck Alexis Collins, you did NOT tell me the man was fucking sex on a stick she shrieked, turning her phone to reveal an internet search, and Dom's face plastered all over her screen.

I laughed, but the thought of her lusting after Dom didn't sit well with me.

He messaged me again today, trying to distract her from drooling over her phone screen.

We should call him! She suddenly yelled, eyes sparkling mischievously. No way, I said, but before I knew it she was wrestling my phone from my pocket.
Running to her room and slamming the door door behind me, she was hitting the call button as I burst in the room.

Stop!... I mouthed but it was too late.

Hello... Alexis? Came the voice through the speakerphone.

Fuck he even sounds hot, Charlie said out loud, and I could have strangled her. My cheeks burned with embarrassment.

Who the fuck is this? His voice sounded again, rougher than the first time.

Chill, lover boy. Names Charlie. I live with Alexis. She's out on a date right now...

Charlie shut the fuck up! I lunged forward snatching the phone from her as she burst out laughing. Running to my room and slamming the door behind me, I took the phone off speaker.

Hi... I said breathlessly.

Hi. Came the reply.

Sorry about her. She's a fucking shit stirrer. Clearly I'm not on a date, I'm just at home.

Why was I being so awkward? Why didn't I want him to think I was seeing other people. I'm going to fucking kill Charlie after this call.

So why haven't you replied to me Lex? Bit shit to just drop a bombshell like that and then just disappear on me. How do I... we even begin to deal with that?

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to shut you out. Guess I didn't even think how you'd be feeling, just assumed you didn't care. Maybe even glad I lost it.

Don't you ever fucking say that again he snapped.

Sorry, I whispered and his tone changed immediately.

Its ok... I'm sorry too... just don't even think that. Not ever. Anyway, what are you girls up to.

The complete change of topic made me laugh. Oh... not much, just finished work for the week so having a couple relaxing drinks at home. I think Charlie has a few friends coming over later.

What about you? Are you friends coming too? He asked.

Uhh, I don't really have friends. Fuck how lame do I sound. I mean I have the guys at work, but I spend enough of my week with them as it is.

You have me, he stated, and I was stunned.

You want to be my friend?

I want to be whatever I can to you Lex. If thats just a friend I'll take what I can get.

Shit. He was being genuine. I couldn't push him away forever. Didnt want to.

Ok... I rushed out before I could change my mind. Come over later.

For real?

Yeh for real.

I waited while he searched for a pen, then gave him my address and apartment number.

Yep, I know where that is roughly. Be there in 40 minutes he said, and then hung up before I could insist he wait a while.

Oh shit. Things just got real.

CHARLIE!!!! Get your ass in here like now!!!

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