18. Reaper

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Just give her a couple minutes and she'll see you, the receptionist said as she came back, eyeing me up and down.

My mind was racing. Her name wasn't Rose at all. It was Alexis. Which means she lied to me. No wonder even Tech couldn't find a single trace of her, she didn't fucking exist.

Then another far worse thought crossed my mind. I got rescheduled because she had a medical emergency. Her workmates called it a 'suspected miscarriage'. That means she was pregnant. Was she with someone? Was it... mine???

FUCK! I needed answers and I needed them now. She looked terrified when she saw me. But she's agreed to see me, surely thats a good thing right?

Getting up from the couch, I paced back and forth, unable to keep still. I needed to see her now.

I know who you are, you know... the receptionist said, snapping me from my thoughts and stopping me in my tracks.
She'd told people about me?

Don't you fucking hurt her, she's pretty messed up right now after... well I'm sure you'll find out. First room round the corner on the right. Go see her.

She didn't have to tell me twice. I all but ran through the building till I came to the door I'd been told. Knocking lightly, I could here shuffling around inside, but no answer came. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and knocked again.

Come in, came the short reply from inside.

I opened the door and she was sat at a desk, back to me.

Rose... I whispered, still not really believing I'd found her after all these months.

Its Alexis she snapped back. Rose is my middle name.

I took a second to ponder... Alexis Rose Collins. Pretty name for a beautiful woman.

A million things to say ran through my head, but the connection between my brain and my tongue seemed to be malfunctioning.

Its so fucking good to see you again... was all I managed to spit out.

Take your shirt off she replied matter of factly, taking me by suprise.

Uhh... I wasn't sure what to say.

I need to get this stenciled out, it a huge piece and I'd like to get it done in as little sessions as possible, she said again in that same stone cold voice.

Shit what an idiot. I totally forgot why I was here for a second there. But at the same time she was making me angry, treating me like a total stranger.

I walked up behind her as she stood from her chair, gently grasping her shoulders and turning her around to face me. She wouldn't make eye contact and it was pissing me off. I felt her body tremble beneath my hands and I hated how she was acting around me. Those hands were definitely in no condition to be permanently inking anyones skin.

Fuck the tattoo Alexis I couldn't give a shit. I just want to talk, I pleaded with her. She nodded slightly and I took her hand, leading her out of the room.

As I opened the door, the receptionist all but fell on me, obviously having been eavesdropping against the door. She went beet red and a guilty look crossed her face.

I didn't... I wasn't... I just... she started, and I heard Alexis sigh behind me.

Its fine Kells, I'm knocking off early for the day if that's ok. Tell Ritchie I'm sorry. We'll just be round the corner at Murphys.

Call me if you need me Lex, the woman she'd called Kells replied, before shooting me a warning glance and scurrying off in the direction of her desk. We followed her, then headed out the front door and down the street, still hand in hand.

She stopped outside a bar, small, but classy. I assumed this was Murphys, so i pushed open the door and stood aside, allowing Alexis to walk in.

She shot me a small smile, then started walking through the place until she got to a small private booth in the back. I followed her, earning stares and hushed whispers as I passed the other patrons. I was used to it, most people who had heard of us feared us.

I wanted to sit next to her but knew better than to push my luck, so I resides myself to the space directly opposite her. A waitress was at our table in seconds.

Hey Lexi, how are you hun? Haven't seen you here in ages, the chatty waitress asked Alexis.

Hey Carly, yeh I'm ok, had a couple weeks off work, just needed a break, she replied softly, focusing on Carly and avoiding me at all costs.

Girl, I here you there she replied, winking at Alexis. Anyway, just the usual, Carly asked and Alexis nodded. Make that two.

And what about your man friend, what will you have hun, she asked turning to me.

Just a beer I replied wishing she'd hurry up and leave. She did, only to return minutes later balancing our drinks on a round tray. She placed some poncy looking bottle of beer down infront of me, not a handle like I was used too. The she turned and placed two glasses of ice and a honey colored liquid I guessed to be Jack infront of Alexis, along with a shot glass filled to the brim with a clear liquid.

Shots on the house, looks like you could use it, she said before retreating back to the bar.

I watched as Alexis picked it up and downed it, screwing her face up and shaking her head as she swallowed the bitter liquid. Then she reached straight for one of the glasses, taking a hefty sip.

I wanted to tell her to slow down, but it wasn't my place.

After what felt like eternity, she looked up from her glass and straight at me.

So... what do you want to talk about?

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