67. Reaper

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"I love you too Alexis."

I couldn't look her in the eye. I could already hear the sadness in her voice and it was killing me. But I was doing this for her. I had to atleast give her a chance to be happy away from this life, although every fibre of my body was telling me how wrong this was, how we belonged together.

No matter what, I just couldn't stop thinking about my mother, and the price she had paid for love.

"Dom..." her small voice tore me from my thoughts.

I picked up the courage to look at her and immediately regretted it.

She looked so defeated and sad, and I hated to be the reason for it but I had to do this.

"Make love to me one last time before you go."

My head told me it was a bad idea, that it would make leaving her next to impossible, but my body had ideas of its own. Standing, I grabbed her waist, lifting her from the chair and onto the table. Our lips collided in a desperate, needy kiss.

I savored every second. Her smell, her taste. The way her soft skin felt against mine. Fuck she was so perfect, and I was about to walk away from her.

She undid my belt and I pulled her shirt over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra and the sight was magnificent. I took a mental picture before freeing myself from my clothes as she did the same with the last of hers.

I took her right there on the club table, a slow steady rhythm as I pumped in and out of her sweet pussy, earning gasps and moans from my woman. She was still mine. Always would be, even if she chose to walk away.

She clung to me like her life depended on it, our bodies moving as one. As I felt her walls clench around my cock, my own release was near, and we exploded together in a sweaty mess of tangled body parts.

How would I ever say goodbye to this woman? I don't know if I could. My only hope was that I could track AJ down fast and be back to find my fate.

We dressed in silence, and as I pulled my cut back over my shoulders, I heard a small sob come from Alexis. I pulled her into my arms.

"Please don't leave me" she cried into my chest and the ache inside of me grew.

"I have to babe. I know it sounds fucked up but I'm doing this for you. For us. I don't want you to look back and regret anything."

She sobbed harder, and I wondered for a second if I should just be the selfish bastard I wanted to be and keep her all to myself. But if she hated me for it one day I couldn't deal with that.

"Just know whatever you choose, I love you more than words could ever fucking say. And nothing will change that."

"I love you too" she replied quietly through sobs, then pulled herself from my arms and turned her back on me, walking through the door. It felt so fucking final, and I hated it.

As soon as the door shut I turned around and put my fist through the wall, re-opening the already angry wounds on my knuckles.

I'd already called church after speaking with Grunter and filled all the boys in. It was a unanimous vote. Bring AJ home. I had a small group of men coming with me and we'd given ourselves two weeks. If we hadn't found him by then we would return home. I already hoped it wouldn't take that long. I already missed her and she'd only been gone 5 fucking minutes.

Fuck I hope I'd made the right decision.

Fuck I hope she loved me enough to stay.

Fuck knows I'd walk over fire and ice a million times over to be with her.

I had to go. The sooner I found my brother and dragged his sorry ass home, the sooner I'd find out my fate.

Tank had hacked into AJ's bank details, and going off of all of his recent transactions we had a few locations pinned to try and track him down. The fucker sure went to the damn gym a lot.

Boomer, Speed, and I were making the 8 hour drive cross country to the small town he was supposedly living in.

I didn't want to draw attention to us by taking too many guys, and it should be straightforward anyway. There was just one last thing I needed to do before I could go.

Exiting the club room, I headed for the infirmary, pausing as I reached the door. I took a deep breath, mentally preparing for the sight that would greet me on the other side of the door.

But when I opened the door and stepped in, there was only one corpse, not the two I'd been expecting.

"Where is she?" I growled at Doc, who was busy typing away at his computer.

"Reaper. Man I'm so fucking sorry brother" Doc started, getting up from his desk and walking over to me.

"Didn't want the bitch anywhere near Prez, her bodies down in the basement."

I sighed, taking a seat in the chair beside my fathers lifeless body.

"How long have we got?"

"I can keep his body preserved for a week max. If you and AJ aren't back before then I'll have to cremate him."

"I'll do what I can."

"And Ivy?" he asked cautiously.

"Leave her down there. Once I'm back ill send her back to Rocket. Piece by piece."

"Roger that boss."

"Give us a minute will ya?" I mumbled at him.

Doc patted my shoulder before leaving the room.

Once we were alone, I looked at the man I'd once looked up to, idolized.

"I can't believe you hid all this shit from me Dad. I'm so fucking angry with you right now. You put mom in danger and didn't even have the fucking decency to protect her and keep her safe properly."

"And then you let AJ walk away, let our family fall apart knowing you were the fucking reason the entire time. You acted buddy buddy with the fucking enemy! How could you!"

I was so fucking angry at him, and he wasn't even here for me to hold him accountable for his fucking actions.

"But don't worry... dad. I won't make the same mistakes you did. Fuck no. I'm going to find AJ. I'm bringing him home. And if my woman's waiting for me when I get back? You can bet your ass I'm making her my old lady, and I'll do everything in my fucking power to keep her happy and safe. Its the least she deserves."

I had nothing left to say. When I was back he would get the honorable club send off he deserved. He may have fucked up as a husband and father, but he'd always been a fucking top notch President.

Leaving the room, I headed straight for the bar where I knew my travel companions were waiting for me. Gunner had agreed to watch over things while I was away. When I got back I'd take over officially as President, with Tank as my VP. Hopefully he'd learnt his lesson about keeping shit from me. I needed to be able to trust him fully.

"Let's ride brothers" I called, and Tank and Speed immediately got out of their seats, following me out of the clubhouse and down into the underground carpark where our bikes were.

A few of the brothers had gathered outside to send us off, and as I scanned the small crowd my heart sank as the one face I wanted to see was nowhere to be found. Not that I'd expected her to show, we'd said our goodbyes already.

As my engine roared to life, and we made our way out of town and onto the open roads, the familiar comfort of being on my bike helped ease the tension building inside of me.

As hard as it would be, I was determined to make the most of this trip. It would be my last bit of freedom before committing to the club as President.

With or without my woman by my side.

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