45. Alexis

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You could cut the tension in the air with a knife as we sat here in silence picking at the feast of a breakfast the ladies had prepared and delivered to us.

So... she started.


Look I'm Sorry ok Alexis. I'm so super sorry all of this happened...

Why Char? That's the one question that keeps circling in my head. I told you everything he did to me and you still decided to go there. Why?

It's not that simple Lex.

Then spell it out to me, Charlie.

I loved him too ok?

Excuse me? You what?

Ever since high school, I've loved Logan Peters. We were sleeping together, said he didn't want a girlfriend so I got mad and kissed his mate at a party one night. Then a week later he's fucking asking you out. I was sure it was just revenge to make me jealous but when he didn't break it off I was crushed. And I couldn't blame you because you had no idea...

Why didn't you just tell me?

What that the guy I was crazy for was the same guy you were now crazy for? That he'd chosen you over me? I was too embarrassed. I just kept expecting it to fizzle out, but then he proposed, and I vowed to move on and just use men for sex. I wanted to be the one doing the heartbreaking for once.

So I lived my life, and just assumed you had your perfect little life with the one man I couldn't have.

I'm so sorry... I whispered. I had no fucking idea.

You know what? That day you told me what had happened, my heart hurt for you Lex. It truly did. But a tiny tiny part of me thought maybe it was some kinda accidental karma for what you and Logan did.

In an instant my sympathy turned to rage.

What WE did? I had no fucking idea Charlie, you said it yourself, I shouted.

And karma, what the fuck? How could you ever wish that shit on anyone, that's so fucked up. You were like a fucking sister to me Charlie, I continued, getting louder the more worked up I got.

So how did the happy little reunion come about then? Did you get on your hands and knees and beg him to take you back.

It didn't fucking happen on purpose Alexis! She was getting angry now too, but she had nothing on the way I was feeling.

He came into the bar one night and got wasted as fuck. I tried to get someone else to deal with him but he would only let me, and I didn't want them calling the cops on him, so I drove him back to his place. He apologized for how he acted in the past, and he explained what happened between you guys from his point of view. I really think you blew things out of proportion after hearing what he had to say, she said dead seriously.

How fucking dare you I roared! He beat the shit out of me for fucking fun Charlie, scarred me permanently. Lifting my shirt I showed her my stomach and she looked away, not wanting to face the reality of it.

That's not how he put it... she whispered, unable to make eye contact with me.

Ohhhh, I see, he played the victim and good ol Charlie came running to fuck him better.

I told you Lex, we love each other. We're soul mates, she yelled. Dont make me sound like such a slut!

Well if the shoe fits... I snarled.

Maybe you just didn't satisfy him like I did, so he took what he needed from you, she shouted, acid lacing her words.

Before I knew what I was doing I picked up my glass and hurled it across the room at her. It smashed against the wall behind her head, and shock registered on her face for a minute, before being replaced with a nasty glare.

Say that again, I fucking dare you...

What? You think your a tough bitch now some biker wants to make you his flavor of the month. Just don't come crying to me again when its all over.

Trust me, I'll never come to you for anything ever again, I said coldly.

Good! She shouted. Knew I made the right call giving Kelly your room.

So quick to move on aren't you?

Ha, you can talk... Your the stupid one who got pregnant to a fucking outlaw biker Alexis!

That was it. There was no coming back from the line she just crossed. Flying across the room, I planted my fist straight into her nose, using all the built up rage to drive me.

She screamed as blood poured from her nose, but I wasn't done. Pushing her against the door I laid into her, suprised at my own strength.

The knob turned and someone opened the door, causing us to fall to the floor with me on top of her. She lifted her arms to shield her face, as I straddled her, laying hit after hit into her anywhere I could.

As much as I hate to admit it, the cheers and whistles of the growing crowd around us egged me on, until I felt arms wrap around me and suddenly I was lifted off her into the air.

Your dead to me bitch, I screamed as I was carried away.

And tell Kelly I quit!

Adrenaline was coursing through my body as Dom carried me upstairs to the room. Even though I'd just cut ties with the last strand of my old life, I'd never felt so fucking alive.

I was well and truly Hellbound now.

Desperate to continue the high I was on, I all but begged Dom to fuck me. And boy did he. Hard, rough, mindblowing sex. The kind you read about in books. Best fuck of my life.

Lying there in his arms I felt like a new woman. Reborn. No longer a victim of my shitty past.

So... wanna tell me what that was all about? Dom asked.

Taking a deep breath, I told him everything I knew from both Logan that night, and now Charlie.

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