66. Alexis

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I woke naked and alone. I missed the warmth of my man beside me, and my body was aching from the accident.

Dragging myself off the bed, I threw on a pair of jeans and a singlet before making my way down to find Dom. I needed to know he was ok.

As I entered the bar, I couldn't see him in there and was just about to leave when a strong pair of arms wrapped around me.

Turning, I found myself face to face with Tank.

"Holy fuck Lex I'm so fucking glad your ok" he exclaimed, kissing the top of my head. If it was anyone else I would have felt awkward as shit, but we'd really become close over the past few weeks.

"Its good to see you too" I said gently. "Where's Reaper?"

"With Tech in his office. They're trying to track down AJ. Reapers brother. I'd say things are going to be pretty fucking hectic around here for a while Lex" he said with a sigh.

"I just want him to be ok..."

"Me too Lex. Me too. I don't even know if its my place to say, but he found some pretty heavy shit out about his family this morning. Taking it pretty hard."

I needed to see him. Whatever was going on was obviously even bigger than what I knew. He'd need me.

As if on cue, I heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall, and a moment later Dom appeared alongside Tech, deep in conversation. As soon as his eyes landed on me he froze, and I instantly got nervous.

"Alexis" he said in an emotionless tone.

"We need to talk."

My heart kicked up a notch, beating rapidly in my chest.

Had he changed his mind? Did he  blame me for what happened? Maybe Ivy dying had been the wake up call he needed to realize I wasn't the one for him either?

I tried to shake the negative thoughts from my head but they had a firm grasp on my mind. I felt my body tremble, and Tank noticed too, instantly putting a comforting arm around my shoulders. A move which definitely did not go unnoticed by my man.

"Alexis..." he said again, a sadness in his voice as he held his hand out for me to take.

I shrugged myself from Tanks arm and grabbed Doms hand, allowing him to pull me back down the hall towards the church room. I glanced back at Tank who was looking at me with am expression I couldn't read.

"Good luck" he mouthed and my nerves instantly heightened.

Once we were in the privacy of the room, Dom turned to look at me. He pulled me into his arms holding me against him. I could here his heart beating erratically in his chest, and it was doing nothing for my nerves.

"Whats wrong Dominic?" I asked, not being able to stand the silence a moment longer.

He let me go and sat down with a sigh.

"Turns out my father had more than his fair share of dirty little secrets..." he started.

"I always thought my mothers death was a fucking insane accident. A wrong place wrong time kinda deal. Turns out it wasn't. It was all my fathers fault. He stole another man's woman and got her killed in the process. She loved the wrong man and it killed her."

He looked up at me, but refused to meet my gaze. I reached for his hand and he pulled it away. A stab of pain hit me straight in the heart.

"Don't please Lex. I need to say this. If I so much as touch you right now I know I'm going to give in and I can't. I have to do this."

A sense of dread washed over me. I knew where these sorts of conversations led.

"I love you Alexis. More than life itself. If anything happened to you it would kill me. I'd never forgive myself. That's why I have to do this..."

He paused, and I felt a sole tear roll down my cheek. Why did this feel like goodbye?

"We're going to war Lex. The Devil's Rejects have to pay for what they've done, and its my job to get revenge for my men. It's going to be a fucking bloodbath, and I won't rest till every mother fucker so much as affiliated to the bastards is dead."

"But you're my weakness Alexis. And you can bet your sweet ass they'll do anything to get to you. To hurt me through you. Life will be incredibly fucking dangerous for you, for us. I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want you to end up like my mother. I'd rather not be with you and know your still out there somewhere alive and happy, than to be the reason you're killed."

His voice broke and I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. I wanted to reach out and touch him but my emotions couldn't handle his rejection.

"But I won't be that guy Alexis. I won't tell you what to do. All I can do is be brutally honest with you and let you decide for yourself."

Relief washed over me.

"I choose you, Dom" I said firmly. "Every single fucking time."

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"A big part of me really hopes you do babe, but I want you to take some time to think it over properly. It's a big fucking decision."

"Fine" I said. It didn't matter how long he wanted me to mull it over. My answer would always be the same.

His next words froze me.

"I'm going away for a little while..."

"What! Where? Are you leaving me? Will you come back? I'll come with you..." All my thoughts poured out at the same time.

"No Lex, I need to do this without you. It'll give you time and space to make your choice properly. If you're still here when I get back, I'll be the fucking happiest man alive. If you're not, I'll understand. I'm doing this for you Lex. Giving you a chance to be free to live a normal life."

I knew from his tone that no amount of begging or pleading was going to change his mind. All I could do was wait for him and prove I wanted nothing else in life but him.

"Where are you going?" I asked quietly.

"To find my brother."

"How long?"

"I don't know Alexis. Hopefully a week or so, but I can't say for sure..."

"I'll fucking miss you Dominic. I love you." I couldn't think of anything else to say.

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