40. Reaper

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Sitting here, drink in hand, watching my woman sitting amongst my family, getting along with the people closest to me, life couldn't get much better.

When Grunter asked me to follow him to his office, I didn't want to leave her out here alone, but she seemed to be having a good time. Leaving Tank to watch over her, I stole one last glance before following Grunter out of the bar and down into his office.

Closing the door behind us... he walked around his desk and sat down, motioning for me to sit across from him. Pulling two cigarettes from his drawer and passing one to me, he lit us up and we sat in silence until curiosity got the better of me.

Well, spit it out old man. There's a party going on I'd kinda like to get back to if you didn't notice.

He grunted. Typical.

Pretty wee thing you got yourself there boy... how long she here for?

Dunno... long as she wants.

She be here when our visitors arrive?

If she wants to be.... what's this about Pres?

He hesitated, taking a deep drag from his cigarette.

Wanted to tell you before the rest of the men found out. Our visitors... it's the fucking Rejects. Mother charter. They got business over this way or some shit. Wasnt really in the position to turn em down...

What the fuck Grunter! The Rejects?

The Devil's Rejects were one of the most notorious clubs in the country. They had no morals, no souls. Anything for a quick buck. Sure we did some dodgy shit, but anything to do with woman or children was a fucking no go, and the Rejects were trafficking them around the fucking world in huge numbers.

We'd had a run in with them years ago, and Grunter and their Pres Chaos had made some sort of truce, the details of which were unknown to all in our club expect Grunter and Gunner.

Thing is... Grunter continued.

Tech's been digging around and it seems our Reject friends are the ones behind the Serpants attacks. We don't know what the motive is or was, and they don't know we know. Best to just act normal till we figure shit out. Which includes letting them stay.

Fuck that! I shouted. The bastards had someone following Alexis and I! And now you want me to play fucking host and pretend they didn't blatantly threaten my woman!

Calm down boy, we don't know she was the target. And I don't get a fucking choice. I'm not breaking the truce because you got trust issues, he said sternly.

They ordered someone to beat the shit outta you! Shoot our men! And you want to welcome them in here and throw them a fucking party for it? You really are getting senile, old man.

Listen here boy!!! He roared, losing control of his temper.

You may be my son but I'm still your fucking President and you WILL show me some god damn respect!

They'll be here next Saturday. I expect you'll keep your mouth fucking shut and your eyes and ears open. Keep an eye on that bitch of yours. I don't trust the fuckers as far as I can throw them, but we got no say in the matter.  Now get out!! He roared.

Don't you ever call her a bitch again, I said coolly, a warning tone to my voice.

With that I stormed out. What the fuck had gotten into that man. Age had made him weak. The Grunter I remember would have welcomed them in alright, with a fucking bullet shower and an all out brawl. Now they were our guests?

Somethings missing, and I vowed to myself to find out, especially if it involved Alexis in any way.

Thinking of her somewhat eased the rage building inside of me. I wanted nothing more than to find her, take her back to our room, and fuck her senseless.

Getting to the bar, I checked the stage and saw the two old ladies basically fucking their men on the dancefloor, Alexis nowhere in sight.

Panicking, I scanned the room, kicking myself for leaving her alone. But when I saw her, cosied up to Tank at the bar unexplainable rage consumed me at the sight of another man touching my woman.

I felt eyes on me as I stormed over to the pair, interrupting their cosy little moment.

Bro, where ya been? You missed THE most epic dance couple of the century, Tank said with a laugh, elbowing Alexis.

I growled, and Alexis turned to look at me.

Now Reaper, don't be a party pooper, she said trying to keep a serious face before failing miserably and falling into a fit of giggles.

How the fuck was I supposed to stay mad at her?

Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her into me, kissing her hard on the lips and earning a few whistles from around the room.

Your mine, remember I whispered in her ear.

How could I forget, she replied.

I turned to Tank.

I thought I asked you to keep an eye on her, not get your hands on her.

Chill bro, you got nothing to worry about, except for the fact you've been replaced. Got me a new best bro now, he said wiggling his eyebrows at Alexis and that was it, she was giggling like a bloody school girl.

She's drunk as fuck, I thought to myself. The big bald fuck ain't that funny.

But fuck did that smile light up the room.

Deciding I'd had enough sharing her for one night, in one swift movement I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, careful to ensure her dress covered her ass the whole time.

Put me down! She squealed, through her laughter.

Fat chance. I replied, smacking her ass.

Night fellas, I called out, not even bothering to look behind me.

I had much, much, more important matters at hand.

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