72. Alexis

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8am. I'd slept all afternoon and all night. Checking my phone, I saw i had a couple missed calls and texts from Tank.

Shit, I'd totally forgotten that I'd asked him to go to the store for me.

I quickly sent him a message back before throwing my body in the shower and standing under the running warm water for an unceremoniously long time.

When I was finally done, I threw on a singlet and pair of denim shorts before making my way down for breakfast.

Tank was waiting in the dining room when I arrived, and I was suprised to see Jessica with the old ladies helping to serve food. She looked so much healthier than the last time I'd seen her.

Sitting down next to Tank, I picked at the food on my plate, not feeling all that hungry.

"Eat woman" Tank insisted. "Reaper will fucking kill me if he comes back and decides I haven't been looking after you properly."

I snorted. "If he comes back for me at all."

"Oi, look at me!" Tank demanded.

"Whats got you in such a chirpy mood today?" He asked.

I ignored him, and I felt him staring me down.

"Alright, go and get ready. I'm taking you out for the day."

"Taking me where?" I asked, not in the mood to socialize.

"None of your business" he answered with a grin. "Just be back here in 20. Oh and wear something you don't mind getting wet in."

I stared at him curiously but he just grinned at me, leaving the room without another word.

20 minutes later I was back in the dining room, wearing a bikini with a short black dress over top.

I heard a wolf whistle, and turned to see Tank standing in the doorway checking me out, as Jessica stood next to him.

"Brought a plus one for our little adventure" he said looking at Jessica. "Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, it'll be good to have some decent company" I answered, earning a growl from Tank and a giggle from Jessica.

We followed Tank down the carpark, where P had an SUV waiting for us. Tank helped Jessica into the front next to P, before opening the door for me and walking around to get in next to me.

We drove out of town, and down a gravel road leading to a small forested area.

"Where are we?" I asked as P pulled the vehicle into a small parking lot off to the side of the road. Jessica looked like her heart was about to jump out of her chest at any second.

"Chill ladies" Tank said. "You'll see when we get there."

Tank opened the boot and grabbed out a couple of backpacks, chucking one to P before putting the other one on himself.

"Oh... shit I thought I was just driver" P said, looking confused.

"Hell no man, your part of the gang now" Tank told him with a wink.

We followed a small winding path deeper into the bush, and just as I was about to ask Tank if he was honestly just fucking with us, the path opened up into a lush clearing. A gentle river flowed along the edge of the clearing, a spectacular waterfall at one end. It really was a beautiful spot.

"Wow" I whispered and Tank grinned.

"Knew you'd like it" he said, taking off his backpack and opening it. He pulled out a bottle of straight Jack and handed it to me, before doing the same to Jessica and grabbing one for himself. He handed a beer to P.

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