55. Ivy

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Deep, burning rage.

As I sat in the dining room with a few of the whores I'd met before, it coursed through me.

He'd kicked me out. Without hesitation, without a second thought. I'd waited in the bar for him to calm down and come find me, but it never happened.

I didn't dare risk the humiliation of asking the old ladies for a spare room so I'd gone to the gym to work out some of my frustration but it hadn't helped.

Reaper had skipped breakfast, and hadn't seen the bitch Alexis either. Word around the place was she hadn't shown up for work either so I counted that as a small win for the meantime.

Things between her and Reaper must be more serious than I'd first thought, which made my blood boil.

She was but a mere obstacle though, and I knew how to deal with those. You simply remove them.

Excusing myself from the group of women gossiping around me, I made my way into the hall. Once I made sure no one was around, I called Crash, one of daddy's men.

I need a favor, I said as soon as he answered.

Well hello to you, too he replied sarcastically.

Cut the shit, I snapped. I have a job for you. I need you to make someone disappear for me.

Im listening...

Alexis Collins. Reapers new little whore. I need her gone, she's... complicating things. Only problem is I don't know where she is and he's looking for her too, so you HAVE to make sure you find her before he does.

After giving him what details I had, we ended the call, and I once again prayed luck was on our side.

Fuck my stupid brother for getting himself killed, if I'd never have had to go home, this shit wouldn't even be an issue.

But Crash was good at what he did. I had faith the man would come through. And once she was gone I'd be here, ready and waiting to pick up the pieces. And then I can eliminate Grunter and bring daddy's plan to life. This stupid Hellbound crew won't know what hit them.

Walking back into the dining room, the girls were just getting up from the table.

We're heading out for a spa day, most of us are way overdue after all this lockdown business. Wanna come with?

Figuring it was a good way to kill time, plus a wee bit of pampering never went astray, I tagged along. Cleo had informed me earlier that Reaper was back working at the garage, the job he'd all but lost when we were together. Somehow work didn't fit in around all the mindblowing sex.

The girls all proceeded to spend the day getting pampered and shit faced drunk. I opted to avoid the alcohol, wanting to keep a clear head.

Getting back to the clubhouse, I couldn't see Reapers bike in the lot and it was a good hour past closing which meant he hadn't come home.

Shit, I cursed to myself. How the fuck was I supposed to win him back if I never bloody saw him?

My phone rung in my purse, and when I saw Crash's name on the screen I found an empty room before answering.

Hey Ivy, good news for ya babe. We found the chick your looking for. Got a hit on her email at some house in the suburbs, so I got the Serpants to do some surveillance. They're outside the address now, she's with that guy Tank from the Hellbound crew. Soon as he leaves I've given the word to grab the bitch.

Text me when its done, I replied before hanging up, a twisted smile gracing my face. I hadn't expected to find the bitch so fast, and to hear she's with Tank, well thats just the cherry on top.

Now, to work out how to use this new piece of information to my advantage...

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