50. Alexis

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Being back at work was a rush. After seeing the ink I'd done on Dom, Pencil didn't even want to see my portfolio.

So he'd set me to work drawing up a few requests and putting them to stencil, prepared for my first client the next day.

As I sat down to lunch my phone rung.

Expecting it was Dom checking in on me, I was suprised to see a random number appear on my screen.

Hello, I answered cautiously.

Hey girl, Jenny here. Sorry Reaper gave me your number. Deena found a flyer in the bar for a ladies night at one of the city clubs tonight! Drinks are free for the first hour... she bribed.

Sounds great, I'll just let Reaper know...

Don't worry, we already told him you'd be busy with us tonight. Church will be a long one tonight anyway with the businesses back up and running and all. Meet us in the bar after work.

The afternoon sped by, and before I knew it P was here to take me back to the clubhouse.

Catching the lift to my room, I chucked on a pair off denim cut off shorts, and a Slipknot tank, adjusted my ponytail tail, and slipped on a pair of Converse.

Deena and Jenny were already in the bar sipping a beer each when I arrived. After handing me one, they led the way to a black SUV and piled in.

Hey P, I said cheerily to our driver. The poor prospect still couldn't look me in the eye after having to package up my sex toys for me. I giggled at the thought.

The club was pumping, music blasting, and cocktails flowing.

I think ladies night is my new favorite thing I shouted to the girls over the music.

That's the only reason Reaper let you come... LADIES night.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. Men.

We'd been at the club for hours and somehow the free drinks were still coming. Deena reckoned the bartender had the hots for me, and we were more than happy to use it to our advantage.

I was far drunker than I should have been, especially with work tomorrow. But I was having such a good time.

Finally we dragged our asses out of the booth we'd occupied in between dancing and headed for the door. P had the SUV parked outside the door to take us home, our own personal taxi service.

The drinks had made me hot and desperate for some loving from my man, so I was itching to get home and take him to bed.

The bar was full of leather clad bikers, but Dom was nowhere in sight.

As the elevator opened on our floor I went to open the door only to find my card would work but somebody had pulled the do not disturb chain across the door, effectively locking me out of my own place.

Dom, babe, you in there? I called knocking on the door.

Alarm bells were starting to ring.

I heard movement from inside the room, and then the sound of the chain sliding across and the door flung open.

In the doorway stood a tall, gorgeous, blonde haired woman. Her boobs were barely contained in one of Dom's club tanks, all she wore apart from a tiny lace black see through thong.

She looked like a damn model, and I'd recognize that face anywhere. It was the same girl from the photo I'd found in Dom's room. His ex. Ivy.

"Uh, hi..." she said in a sickly sweet voice. "Well this is awkward. Gotta say, your hot for a club whore but nobody must have told you, Dom won't be needing your services tonight. Or any night actually. Hes been... taken care of she finished with a giggle.

Glancing into the room, I could hear the shower going in the bathroom, and there were various items of clothing scattered around the room.

Standing in the doorway, there was so much i wanted to say but words failed me.

"Sorry doll" she started again. "Run along now, I'm sure one of the other guys will jump at the chance to have you."

With that she shut the door, leaving me standing there like a fucking idiot. And raging mad. What the fuck just happened? I wanted to break the door down and drag the both of them out of there, demand an explanation.

Instead I turned around and got back in the elevator, resisting the urge to punch the shit out of the control panel.

Making my way into the bar, ignoring the calls from a few of the club guys to come join them, and made my way behind the bar to the drawer where all the club car keys were kept.

I was in no state to drive but I had to get out of here, and like fuck I was asking for a ride from anyone here, I didn't want to owe any favors. Didn't want a single damn thing from this club.

Sliding a pair into my pocket, I darted back out of the room, colliding with something solid in my haste to exit the bar.

Whoa, slow down little lady... the solid object said.


Move Tank, I said angrily, unable to control my voice.

Chill, little lady, whats got you so fired up, thought you were kicking it with the old ladies at the club tonight?

He spied the keys in my hand and I stared at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact. Grabbing my chin in his hand, he forced me to look at him.

What the fucks going on Alexis? Your drunk. You plan on going somewhere?

Its none of your business, I hissed.

Like fuck its not! Imagine what your fucking man would do if he found out what you were doing and that I didn't stop you! He'd fucking kill me. So unless you tell me whats going on right now ima throw you over my shoulder and deliver you to him myself.

Don't you fuckin dare, I shouted, throwing the keys at him hard. Fine, but if you tell anyone I swear I'll kill you first I threatened.

Getting into the passenger seat, Tank started the engine.

Where to? He asked pulling out of the park.

No fucking idea, I replied.

As far from here as possible I spoke again before punching the glove compartment.

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