19. Alexis

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I was beyond grateful for the alcohol infront of me. Liquid courage was about the only type I had right now. I dreaded to think how this conversation was going to go but it had to happen sometime, and might as well rip the bandaid off now. I couldn't keep running my whole life.

Bracing myself as he opened his mouth to speak, I wasn't expected his words.

Are you ok?

Ahh, yeh. Why what do mean?

Our first appointment... your medical emergency? Just want to make sure it's nothing serious.

It's over now... I whispered and felt the tears begin to well so I picked up my drink and downed the rest of the glass.

Ok, was all he said. I was so glad he didn't push to know more, as far as he knows it had nothing to do with him, although I knew how far from the truth that was.

And you haven't... you know... your legs and stomach... he trailed off and I knew exactly what he was getting at.

No I haven't hurt myself again if thats what your asking, I replied firmly.

Good, came his reply.

Once again, I was glad he didn't probe further, although the look on his face as I glanced at him told me he wanted to.
The overwhelming connection I'd felt the night we met was still there, and it scared me how comfortable I was in his presence.

When the silence between us became unbearable and I couldn't stand his burning gaze on me another second, I opened my mouth to speak again, sounding far more confident than I felt.

Soo... what do I call you now... Dom... Reaper... Never would have guessed in a million years your a big scary biker by the way.

He grinned and it was breathtaking.

I told you, call me Dom. And speaking of names, why did you give me a fake one?

Its not fake exactly, just my middle name. My mums name actually. And I don't know why I didn't just tell you my real name. I think maybe the incident in the alley just put me on edge. If there's one thing lifes taught me so far, it's that you sure as shit can't trust men. Even the ones who seem legit. They're all just a bunch of assholes ready to hurt you at the drop of a hat.

He looked offended, and a small part of me regretted my words, but that quickly faded. I didn't owe him anything, he was just the big bad biker who knocked me up after a one night stand.

Taking an obnoxiously large mouthful of my last drink as the familiar twinge of pain stabbed my heart at the thought of my baby. Gone before I even got to appreciate fully what I had. Something else I loved just ripped away from me.

The alcohol burned as it slid down my throat, settling the emotions threatening to explode inside of me.

Well thats a pretty fucked up way to look at shit Alexis.
So is that why you left me then? A couple guys treat you bad in life so you've decided to take it out on all of us? Do you know how it felt waking up alone in that hotel Alexis? No note, no phone number, just you gone and me left there like a fucking idiot?

He was getting angry, and I knew I should stop but I couldn't.

No, Dominic, I don't. But I'm sure it hurt that big ass ego of yours to be on the receiving end for once in your life. I'm sure you've done it to more than your fair share of girls in your lifetime. Or is that the problem, are you just pissed I beat you to the punch? Chill Dom, it was just a one night stand. We don't owe each other anything.

It was more than that and we both know it, he yelled across the table, making me flinch.

Maybe I'd pushed too far, but I had to. This man had me feeling things I didn't want to feel, and right now my emotions couldn't handle even entertaining the idea of putting my heart on the line again. So I continued my front.

Your reading too much into it Dom. Whatever you think it was, it wasn't. Yes, I was drawn to you but it was purely attraction. We hooked up. Had sex. That's it. You should be thanking me for saving us both the awkward morning after situation.

His fists clenched on the table, and for a second he looked truly hurt, but then all that was left in his eyes was rage.

For someone who said she doesn't do this sorta shit, never fucked a stranger you sure seem to be a damn expert on whats involved. Is that it is it? Used me for a bit of experience, then move on to the next guy? Shit, a girl that looks like you... bet you've had a steady stream of fuck buddies since that night.
Is that how you got pregnant is it?

I stood up, fully prepared to blow up in his face and defend my honor, when the realization of his words hit me like a freight train. He knew.

Dropping back down into my seat, I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. All the wind had been knocked out of me, and all I could do was sit there, mouth agape, eyes wide, staring at Dom. The look on his face told me he had instantly regretting his words, but it was too late. What had been said could not be unsaid. The damage was done.

You... you know. I stuttered.

Shit. I mean yeh, um kinda. FUCK! I'm sorry Alexis i didn't mean for it to come out like that. I just... was angry... and... you know.

HOW do you know? I asked again, tears pricking my eyes.

That day you ended up in hospital, I sort of overheard your workmates talking about it. But I'm so fucking sorry Lex, I shouldn't have...

I put my hand up to silence him and he slumped back into his seat, rubbing the back of his neck and looking ashamed of himself. So he should

Standing up, I grabbed my purse from the table, through my blurry tear filled vision.

I'm done with this conversation Dominic. I want to go home. And if you care about me even the tiniest of bits, you will NOT follow me. Just let me go Dom. I need time. I need space. This is too much.

He opened his mouth to argue, then shut it again looking defeated, and simply nodded.

Thank you, I responded and turned to walk away, tears streaming down my face. I took a couple of steps and stopped. Even after his bullshit comments he deserved to know.

Stopping, I turned back to face him. He was still staring at me with an expression I couldn't read across his face.

And for your information Dominic, I haven't slept with anybody since that night, I said shakily, only just holding my shit together.

The baby I lost? It was yours.

Without so much as another glance at him, I turned and walked out of the bar. The second I got outside the tears flowed freely from my eyes, staining my face. My heart ached. How could life be so cruel?

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