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Pov Sage

Meri parks the car in front of the cinema. He gets out and holds the door open for me. I get out laughing. "Thank you my lord," I say, smiling, in a dignified voice. "Oh, that's not a problem, young lady," says Meri chicly. "May I accompany you to the cinema," he says in the same voice. "That's allowed," I say in a dignified voice. I hook my arm in his and we walk inside. As soon as we get inside we both burst out laughing. A few people look at us strangely. Meri takes my hand and pulls me to the board with films playing. "Which one will it be?" he asks. I look at the board. I don't know the name of the movie. Very handy too, etc. "Uhh" I chuckle. Meri looks at me with a fake irritated look. "Yes, you choose," I laugh and gesture to the board. He looks at the board for a few seconds. "Yes, I don't know either," he laughs. I facepalm myself and shake my head, laughing. "Wait, I have an idea," says Meri. He walks to the counter. Not much later he returns with a few sheets of paper and a pen. He shuffles all the names of the films onto the sheets. He puts them in paper cups. I look at him questioningly. I have no idea what he's doing. He sees my questioning look and chuckles. "Okay, you take a piece of paper from the cup. Well, with your eyes closed! And I do the same. Then I hold those 2 behind my back and switch hands a few times. Then you choose a hand and we go to that movie," he explains. I chuckle and nod. I close my eyes and take a piece of paper from the cup. Meri grabs one too. I give mine to Meri as he said he keeps them behind his back.

"Which hand?" he asks. "Right" I say. He throws the left piece of paper on the floor and opens the right piece of paper." Cheese cookie monsters 2" he says. I look at the board "Room 2, you arrange tickets and I will get food," I chuckle. Before he can answer I run to the candy section. Meri probably wants seven up and nachos anyway. He usually takes that. Not that I don't have something that I use as standard. I actually always have ice tea and pringles. But I'm just the person who stands at the board for another half hour with everything they have. Why? To make sure there is nothing better. "Buoy!" I hear behind me and I feel 2 hands on my shoulders. A startled yelp comes from my mouth. I turn around suddenly. Meri. I should have known. "Meri!" I shout and push him on the shoulder. "Ouch, that hurt," he laughs. I chuckle.

"It's that time again," he laughs when he checks to see if I have had my food yet. "Leave me," he laughs and walks to the man behind the cash register. As I thought, he comes back with seven up, nachos, ice tea and pringles. He gives me my food. "But we have to go, the movie starts soon," he laughs and pulls me into the auditorium. It's already quite dark here. Which actually makes sense for a cinema hall... "These are our seats," Meri says when he stops walking. I sit down and quickly put my phone on silent. The lights now turn off completely and the screen lights up. Only the screen liked to show a lot of commercials first so that we almost fell asleep when the movie started. Yeey thanks commercials.

"Ahhh!" I scream and fly onto Meri's lap, it's ahorror movie. I really can't stand horror movies. A few people look at meirritated, but what can I do if a random monster has to appear. I look at thescreen again. Why is this movie in 3D? I have again. Just as I look, anothermonster appears. I press my face into Meri's shirt. He puts his arms around me,grinning. "Scary?" he whispers in my ear. "No," I squeak. He smiles."We can also go to another one," says Meri. "No" I squeak again. "Shhh, shutup," hisses a man behind us. "Shut your mouth," Meri growls. He is immediatelysilent. I chuckle softly." Are you sure?" Meri asks me. I nod. I knowsomething else for sure. I'm not leaving Meri's lap until the movie is over incase any more scary monsters come


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