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Pov Meri

My eyes dart from her eyes to her lips and back again. It's exactly the same with her. I know I'm beautiful to look at.

I slowly move closer to her face. She doesn't seem to mind because she doesn't stop me. When our lips are only a millimeter apart, the following happens...

"Sage!" her mother calls from the dining room. She starts and within a second slips out from under my arm. All this puts my lips against the refrigerator door. If we are talking about an embarrassing exit, this also fits in perfectly. Because yes, I have always wanted to kiss a refrigerator door. Hmm yummy, nice and juicy.

I sigh and turn to the dining room. Everyone is gone. "Guys?" I shout once through the house. "Here!" I hear Sage shout back. Well, that's always such a handy answer, because where is this to be precise?

After an immensely long and exhausting search, I found everyone on the couch. I glance briefly at Sage. Our eyes meet. She smiles sweetly at me. I smile back and walk towards the couch. I plopped down in the corner of the couch and lay my arm behind Sage on the backrest. Sage snuggles up to me and rests her head on my right shoulder. Her brown locks fall slightly over her face.

"And you had a boyfriend, right?" I hear her mother say sarcastically.

Sage's cheeks immediately turn red and I chuckle softly. "Or yes, Meri, your boyfriend," Mom immediately asks, completely enthusiastically. "Haha no" I laugh. "No way," Sage chuckles. I run a hand through my hair and lean back a bit. "Too bad, it was too much of a try," Mom sighs and Sage looks at her mother. Sage's mother also sighs and nods in agreement. Jeez, they can't just stop whining for once. I just don't like serious relationships, so you give up.

Sage is sleeping on my shoulder. "She won't be coming home anytime soon, will she?" Sage's mother smiles at me. "No, probably not anymore," I mumble. "Well then I'll let her sleep with you. Everything is better than that Axel" her mother sighs and rolls her eyes. What an effort I have to make to hold back my laughter at this moment. Ha! Axel good for you.

Sorry, just had to.

"Thanks Anna, but I'm going back home. I have to get up early again tomorrow morning to go to work. I also have a date in the evening," she smiles from ear to ear. "Real?!" Mom shouts enthusiastically. Tsss female drama. "Hey" I hiss at them and point at Sage. Mom pulls Sage her mother three steps away from the couch. Wow mom that helped a lot. Applause for you. Whoop whoop.

I can still hear them talking. It's about Sage's mother having a date with Sage's father tomorrow. She's not going to like that...

"Bye Meri!" Sage's mother smiles at me and waves. I nod back. She walks away and Mom looks at me, gaping. "I'm going to sleep too. Wouldn't it be a good idea for you to go to sleep too?" she asks. "Yes, I'm going to bed too. This little one is already sleeping, so yes," I chuckle. "Good night," Mom smiles and presses a kiss on my cheek. "Trust me, mom," I say softly after her before she disappears into the hallway upstairs.

I wriggle out of Sage's grasp. Okay, how am I going to get her upstairs without waking her?

I gently place one arm under her back and my other arm under her knees. I pick her up in one motion and walk quietly towards the stairs.

When I put my first foot on the stairs, that old thing immediately creaks. "Hmm Meri" Sage mumbles. Shit she's awake. "Hey," I smile at her. She nestles in my arms. "Are we going to your bed?" she mumbles, half asleep. Immediately I unconsciously get a grin on my face and chuckle softly. "Yes, we're going to sleep," I chuckle.

I gently lay Sage down on my bed. Yes, sleeping in pants and a blouse is not very nice. I look at Sage who turns around. "Sage?" I ask, shaking her back and forth a bit. "Where is the earthquake?" she mumbles. "No, there is no earthquake. You need to get changed" I chuckle softly. "You go ahead, I want to wear your shirt," she sighs.

No problem.

I sit next to her on the edge of the bed and untie her shoes. I take them off one by one and throw them on the floor.

I carefully pull my oversized black shirt over her head. "Sag your arms" I chuckle. She sighs tiredly and puts her arms through it. I pull the shirt further over her and let the covers fall over her.

I take off my pants and shirt and crawl into bed next to Sage. Her breathing becomes calmer. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her against me. I lay my head on her shoulder and then fall asleep myself. 


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