😚54) dehaan kanhi aur hi😚

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As the car that now flooded with loud laughter over the fact the kids had actually forgotten arsal rushed through the roads, the girls laughed hysterically at the humorous situation while murtasim, with his own laughter bubbling up shook his head while speeding the car through the roads...
Meerub: Ya Allah murtasim!!! Bhul kaisey gaye???
Giggled out meerub, tears of laughter pricking her eyes from the jokes the girls cracked about the situation as murtasim playfully clicked his tongue...

Murtasim: Yaar mera dehaan kanhi aur tha!
Blurted out murtasim with a grin, swerving the car around while mariam, who sat giggling sat up at the edge of her seat to shoot murtasim a suspicious look with a grin...
Mariam: ...kahan murtasim bhai...?
Questioned mariam while looking at murtasim from behind, wagging her brows to which his smile seemed to fade once the realization of his own words struck while meerubs brows furrowed and lips curled to a teasing smirk...

Murtasim: Wo...
Started murtasim in defense as he shot a glance to meerub who now twisted in her seat, arching a brow while awaiting his response with that cheeky smirk playing over her lips...
Murtasim: S-shopping pe...!
Blurted out murtasim with a slight stammer, his face once again lighting up with a sheepish grin at the bluff he manged to blurt out as he refused to accept already melting to the smirking meerub who hummed softly at the words...

Meerub: Acha...?
The words left her lips that now curled to a soft pout as she didnt believe the obvious bluff for a second while her brows shot up in a teasing manner...
Murtasim: Hm...!
The sheepishly smiling murtasim simply hummed in response as he nodded when throwing meerub who's eyes narrowed to slits in suspicion another nervous glance...
Haya: Chalo ab tou gari bhagao na!!! Call pe call aarahi hai arsal ki!
Haya giggled out from behind, looking down to her phone that buzzed with another call as she grinned wide to murtasim who chuckled out...

Murtasim: Allah khair karey!
Laughed out murtasim while shaking his head, the words eliciting giggles from the girls as he sped up the car to rush down the road once more...


Thanks to murtasims frantic driving, the car soon reached the row of houses in the street they had dropped off arsal, now as the kids held back laughter with their faces painting pink from the bubbling giggles, the car swerved over and parked infront of the house where they spotted arsal, with a frown etched to his face and his eyes squinted when glaring at the car he stood infront of the gates, his annoyance clearly visible and bubbling up within him that only ignited the growing laughter that that kids barley held back...

As the car now parked, meerub, who sat at the front swung open the door in a swift move before getting out and slipping into the back seats where the girls had made room for her so arsal could sit upfront. The girls pursing their lips to a line in attempts to conceal their growing grins while murtasim bit on the inside of his cheek while clearing his throat when arsal stomped over towards the car...

The annoyed arsal swinging the door open as he sat in, throwing glares to the kids who held back laughter while keeping their heads down...
Arsal: ...has le... khul ke hasey na!
Snapped arsal sarcastically, throwing the kids glares eliciting snorts of laughter to leave them as murtasim looked away while swiftly covering his grin with his hand...
Arsal: Kasam se... mainey tou call kar ke yaad bhi nahi dilana tha!
Said arsal with the shake of his head, a frown playing over his lips to which meerub, who let out a sheepish caugh to conceal her laugh spoke up from behind...

Meerub: Tou phir call kiu ki...?
Asked meerub jokingly, wagging her brows to arsal who let out a scoff...
Arsal: Kismat hi kharab hai meri! Das minute khara raha laikin aik taxi wala nahi ruka!
Ranted arsal with a pout, shaking his head to which the kids dropped their heads down while holding back bubbling laughter that escaped their lips at the words...

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