😠32) main ghabrai hui nahi hu!😠

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Maa begam: kaisi rahi meeting anwar?
Maa begam asked looking to anwar with a smile as everyone sat in the living room soon after their return for tea, everyone apart from meerub and saba who still seemed to be lost somewhere in the halls...

Anwar: shukar hai bhabi! Bohat achi gai meeting!
He boomed proudly with a grin, looking to maa begam as he sipped his tea...
Murtasim: ji maa... Alhamdullilah sarey kaam hogaye!
He announced happily with a smile whilst maa begam grinned with a nod...
Maa begam: yeh meerub aur saba kahan gyab hain?
Maa begam asked curiously looking around the living room to find the two girls missing...

Anila: uff pata nahi yeh larkian bhi kya bhagti phirti hain!
Anila complained with a shake of the head at their antics, while murtasims smile grew wide hearing the words with a cheeky glint in his eyes he took a sip of his tea in attempts to conceal his smile...
When suddanly amongst the conversation in the living room the halls just outside echoed with the sweet sound of the girl's giggles chiming closer and closer...

Anila: meerub! Saba! Beta idhar ao!
She called out a bit loudly to the two as they quickly scurried over into the living room...
Their faces adorned with wide smiles as it seemed saba had not given up on her teasing since murtasims arrival, chasing after meerub as she went running around the halls to avoid her mischievous words...
Meerub: ji mama?
She spoke with a smile, looking to anila as she nearly catched her breath that seemed to get heavy after rushing around the long halls...

Anila: beta humarey pass aakey betho!
She spoke sweetly with a smile as meerub grinned, as the girls strolled over inside sabas eyes grew wide gleaming with mischief when she suddanly ran over to one of the empty spots on the couches, frantically she took her seat next to mariam with a grin plastered on her face causing meerubs brows to furrow at her act...

Tho her furrowed brows dropped not much later as her eyes flitted around the full living room finding no empty spot apart from the seat on the couch next to murtasim...
Her eyes slightly grew wide before a small smile creeped up her lips at sabas teasing act...
While murtasims mind caught up with the situation causing his lips to curl to a cheeky smirk, swiftly he scooted over further on his seat innocently making room for meerub...

Meerub took a gulp looking to his smirk adorned face as her gaze flickered over to the adults who seemed to pay no attention too busy in conversation, while the kids who now caught up with the matter grinned at meerub with cheeky giggles now at then, waiting for her to take the only empty seat and refusing to budge to make room for meerub somewhere else...

with no other option unless she chose to sit on the floor, on one hand anila was encouraging her to take a seat and on the other the only one empty would make it hard for her to even sit comfortably...
Her eyes darted across the floor still awkwardly standing as her gaze slowly trailed up to meet his, his smirk growing wide with a slight arch of the brow murtasim gazed at her with a cheeky glint making her flush...

When suddanly maa begams voice broke her thought process in an instant...
Maa begam: betho na beta!
She encouraged with a smile, looking to meerub and then throwing a glance to murtasim, almost as if she knew what she was doing as her face lit up with a wide smile at their reactions...
Meerub: ji...
Meerub spoke curling her lips to a soft smile before she slowly strolled over towerds the seat, keeping her gaze locked on the floor she casually took her seat without sparing him a glance well knowing his gaze was fixed on her...

Innocently he scooted over further on the couch making more room for her small form, only causing meerub to gulp once again as she did her best to seem comfortable and unaffected by his very obvious acts...
The living room soon was filled with chatter from the adults once again while meerub sat keeping her attention towerds the adults feeling both murtasims burning gaze along with the kid's cheeky ones on her at all times...

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