😋56) nainsafi...!😋

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Rushing out the living room after the scene that just took place, meerub, bouncing with fast, frantic steps dashed into the hall, her lips curled up to a wide smile as ringing giggles laced with slight embarrassment left her...

Her face tinged pink and flushed as meerubs rushing finally came to a stop as she caught up with her fast breaths, leaning against the wall, her eyes wide and darting around as her stomach seemed to be fluttering with butterflys and heart still drumming from the scene before she scrunched up her reddening face with a soft cry leaving her...

Uff Allah! Is murtu ne tou maar ke hi chorna hai!!!

The thought rushed through her mind as meerub felt her cheeks burn from recalling the act he pulled once more while throwing her head back, before with the shake of her head to brush off the embarrassment and racing thoughts, the girl rushed off into the hall without looking back...


Lunch was soon taking place at the havaili as the table adorned with the grand dishes, tho admist the gentle conversation, meerubs gaze seemed to be darting over her own plate with a small smile etched to her lips, the feel of murtasims gaze flickering over to her every now and then burning as he sat facing her with his dark eyes gleaming, his lips tugged to a smirk while meerub barley controlled her growing blush and managed to keep composure intact...

When suddanly, murtasim felt his mind race with a cheeky idea as his booming yet soft tone broke through meerubs racing thoughts in an instant...
Murtasim: Meerub...!
The name left his lips tinged with a hint of tease to which meerubs gaze darted to meet his, her eyes slightly wide and filled with surprise as she furrowed her brows when spotting that cheeky smirk playing over his lips...
Meerub: Huh?
She breathed out in confusion to which murtasims eyes gleamed while his lips tugged to a wide smile...

Murtasim: Wo... juice pakrana!
The words left him laced with tease to which meerubs brows knotted together, her eyes narrowing in suspicion of the suddan request as she shot the cheekily smirking murtasim a confused look...
Meerub: ...juice...?
She repeated to which he simply smiled wide, a soft hum leaving him when gesturing to the glass jug filled with juice that placed off to meerubs side as her lips parted when watching in slight surprise...

With her gaze flickering over to her side, meerubs eyes narrowed and glittered with growing suspicion when with a huff and after throwing the smirking murtasim another glance, she slowly rose from her seat just a bit, grabbing at the jug and leaning over the table, passing it over to murtasim as he reached over with a smile, his move gentle yet swift as he brushed his warm hand over hers teasingly when grabbing the jug bringing meerubs brows to knot and lips to purse to a line as she realized the cheeky act...

The eyes of the two locked in a silent yet mischievous exchange as murtasims lips tugged up when grabbing the jug and seating himself back down...
Murtasim: Thanks...!
The whisper left his lips as his dark eyes locked with meerubs cheekily while she simply shot him a playful glare...
A slight blush and warmth creeping up her neck as meerub bit hard at the inside of her cheek when sitting down, mentally cursing herself for flushing at such a small act and forcing herself to keep her gaze on her plate while murtasim, with a cheeky smirk lighting up his face burned the flustered meerub with his gaze when he casually poured his juice...

Uff meerub!!! Itni choti si baat pe laal hona zaroori hai???

She thought the racing words in annoyance of her burning cheeks with the scrunch of her face and pursing her lips to a tight line as meerubs hand supported her head while staring down at her plate and somehow keeping her gaze averted from his. When just as lunch went on with meerub barley controlling her gaze from flickering up to murtasims, maa begams tone boomed through when spotting murtasim finishing up with lunch rather fast and getting up from his seat...

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