😉55) choro challenge...!😉

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The night fled by at the havaili after the stunt murtasim had pulled at the terrace that seemed to be enough to leave meerub frozen and frazzled for a bit yet left murtasim beaming with glee at her reaction, it was during breakfast at the table as a bright morning fell once more at the havaili with conversation taking over the dining room...

With murtasim, dressed in white and with a grin lighting up his face was turned to anwar who sat besides him on the table, laughing and chatting away while indulging in breakfast as murtasims mood seemed to be great since the event of the night before...

Tho as the chatter and laughter went on, murtasim let out a laugh when suddanly and upon hearing footsteps enter the dining room, his attention seemed to divert from anwar and the conversation as his eyes fluttered to the entrance of the dining room bringing his gaze to fix at the sight...
Meerub, dressed in that gleaming lilac dress that he had snuck in and bought for her just the day before walked in with a small, cheeky smirk, the scene bringing murtasims expression to fade and eyes to grow wide, his grin fading away and gaze flickering over the beauty as his mind went blank...

Murtasim: ya Allah...
The soft murmur unknowingly spilled from murtasims parted lips as he felt all air leave his lungs for a moment...
The light, flowy and almost glistening dress fell over her form like it was ment to fit, hugging her form just right as it flowed around with every gentle step meerub took closer and to her seat, with her face lit up with a warm glow, eyes gleaming with mischief and pink, plump lips curled to a smile, tho as murtasims gaze fixted to her, meerub kept her own flickering over the rest of the table as she spoke up...

Meerub: asalamualaikum...!
Greeted the smiling meerub casually to which everyone seated at the table smiled as she slipped into her seat, tho as breakfast and chatter continued, murtasims gaze still seemed to be burning her like a flame, stuck to the minx with his eyes growing dark and lips tugging to a small and almost flirty smirk as his mind took in the sight of her adorned in that dress...

Setting his arm on the table, murtasim seemed to fall in a daze as he rested his head over his hand, the burn of his gaze brought meerub, who had been feeling it on her and causing her cheeks to shade pink since she walked in slowly fluttered her own gaze to meet with his in a fleeting glance, the sight of his smirk along with the way he teasingly arched a brow at her when gesturing to the dress brought meerubs breath to hitch as she passed him a cheeky glare before looking away...

Tho the scene brought murtasims smirk to only grow wider as he took a deep breath while keeping his gaze fixted on her, the chatter and laughter at the table soon began to fade away for the lost murtasim as he felt only him and her were seated at the table...
Tho since that definitely was not the case, murtasims daze soon began to crack and voices fade in as he heard a familiar call of his name...

Anwar: murtasim?
The words came softly once as murtasim seemed to ignore them...
Anwar: murtasim!?
The call, a bit louder seemed to ring in his ears once more before suddanly, a shake along with one more yell of his name brought murtasims eyes to grow wide from the realization and gaze to dart to his side as his daze broke in an instant...
Anwar: Murtasim!!!
Anwar called out for the third time along with a playful shake to murtasims arm causing his gaze to dart to anwar in surprise...

Murtasim: j-ji?!
The frazzled murtasim blurted out when looking to anwar who grinned with the shake of his head...
Anwar: yaar kahan gum ho?
Laughed out anwar with the wag of his brows to which murtasim shot him a sheepish smile with a breath of relief leaving him that anwar hadn't spotted his gaze on meerub...
Murtasim: kanhi nahi chacha saab...
Said murtasim casually, his lips curling up as he swiftly shot meerub, who watched the scene while holding back her smile a cheeky smirk...
Murtasim: kanhi bhi nahi...!
He repeated teasingly, arching a brow to meerub as their gazes met in a cheeky exchange before meerub averted her gaze in an instant...

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