😏31) mere liey...😏

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Fresh out of the shower, dressed in the matching crisp white pants of the kurta as his back displayed bare to her eyes, meerubs gaze seemed frozen as her mouth went dry...
For the first time she had seen him completely shirtless other then the times when he wore unbuttoned shirts and his chest would peak through... but other then that no chance had ever come up to see him in this state...

But now, for the first time as her gaze explored his bare back, his tanned, broad, and well built bare back, her blank mind couldn't put together full thoughts whether to look away or keep staring at his form...
Every small movement flexed the muscles across his shoulders and well built arms as meerubs breath hitched, her hold on the kurta getting tighter and tighter to the point she was unknowingly ruining the neat ironing...

Her wide eyes looked him up and down as she fell lost in a daze almost, unknowingly her tight hold seemed to get softer and softer to the point she barley held on to the fabric hanging loose from her fingers...
While murtasim still seemed indulged in his phone having no clue of the frazzled meerub that stood behind him...
Her eyes continued to roam his form as she gulped hard while her hands seemed to relax a bit too much around the kurta as it nearly fell to the floor before she snapped back in her senses, her wide eyes growing wider as she frantically lunged down grabbing onto the falling kurta.

The ruffling sounds of fabric seemed to catch murtasims attention as he slowly yet curiously turned around with his brows knotted together, only to get further confused when spotting meerub frantically pulling up the kurta with wide eyes, his eyes narrowed in confusion as he softly called out her name...
Murtasim: meerub?
He spoke squinting at her as meerubs wide eyes shot up to meet his narrowed ones filled with confusion, her breath felt stuck in her throat as her mouth aimlessly opened and closed in attempts to get her rebooting mind to think up something to say...

Her hold once again tightened on the kurta as murtasim arched a brow at her seeing her frazzled expression...
meerubs mind just went wild with thoughts and words to say which just weren't coming out of her opened mouth, as her gaze flickered across his form her cheeks grew a fantastic shade of bright red realizing he now stood with his bare chest to her making the situation 10 times worse...

Her gaze unknowingly flickered across his muscular, tanned chest on display as her breathing once again came to a stop, her gaze rapidly darting across him from top to bottem as her blank mind and wide eyes took in the sight of his messy wet hair down to his confused expression, his neck and tanned chest flexing with every slow move down to his well built abs and flat stomach where his trousers started...
Meerubs face seemed to colour a bit too obviously as murtasims eyes narrowed almost forgetting that he stood semi naked infront of her...

When suddanly meerubs mind finally seemed to whirl up a full thought that got her wide eyes to shoot over to his face...
Meerub: w-wo... tumhara k-k-kurta!
She spoke frantically sounding almost out of breath as she stuttered a bit too obviously... only for murtasims brows to furrow flitting between the ruffled up kurta and her panicked expression, before they shot up along with his eyes widening realizing the cause of her state bringing cheeky thoughts to whirl up in his mind...

His lips slowly curled to a small smile as meerub mentally facepalmed herself realizing how she had just announced about his kurta yet still held onto it awkwardly standing far from him in the room... her brows shot up as she slowly with a big gulp took a step towerds him, outstreching her arm with the kurta looking away as her eyes flitted over the tiled floor...

While murtasims smile grew wider at her state as he slowly took a step towerds her gently grabbing the kurta from her hands, purposely slightly brushing their fingers in the process as she immediately let go...
Murtasim: thank you...
He spoke huskily, throwing his phone swiftly to land on his bed while bringing a wave of shivers to run through meerub at his tone...

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