🥰15) kaisey ho itni pyaari?🥰

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meerub stared at him with wide eyes and her mouth open in shock...
As her mind fell blank with nothing else currently important she just focused on what he had just called her...


She thought as she was taking harsh heavy breaths... tho it seemed like an ordinary name to her before now being said to HER by HIM she felt her heart would explode with just the mere thought...

Luckily as she was still processing the situation and trying to calm her out of control nerves... she watched as he smirked looking at her state and slowly pulled away back to his seat casually...

Tho she was still frozen in the position not knowing how to stomach all this...
She took a few deep breaths and slowly moved back to her seat still with wide eyes as he started the car and headed out the gate biting his lip trying not to laugh at her state...


Soon enough they were on the road successfully escaping the havaili without anyone finding out...
As murtasim was driving casually with a smirk meerubs mental state was a completely different story...
She just gazed out the window doing her best to stay relaxed and not continue embarrassing herself as always...

As she gazed out the window looking out as the warm summer sun casted a beautiful golden glow peeking through the trees and hit the road beautifully...
She felt herself taking deep breaths as she began to relax...
The golden afternoon rays of sunshine coming in through the car window and onto her felt warm and relaxing contrasting with the cold ac air blowing on her face...

She felt a smile grace her lips as her heart calmed down and she felt a strange surge of happiness run through her filling her with such emotions she couldn't even explain...
She felt herself feel warm and relaxed as she closed her eyes breathing in the cool air of the car mixing in with his cologne as the warm glow hit her through the windows...

As she relaxed herself with her eyes closed taking deep breaths while the sunlight hit her face she suddenly felt the car stop...
She opened her eyes to find them stopped outside a small shop... judging by the bouquets of roses and sunflowers displayed in the window... it seemed to be... a flower shop?

She watched as he opened his belt and opened the door to head out when she found herself asking...
Meerub: kahan jaa rahey ho?
She asked filled with curiosity...
To which he just smirked and replied in a husky tone...
Murtasim: abhi aya...
He said tilting his head down with a smirk she looked away trying to act casual as he left the car and walked over to the shop with a smile plastered on his face...

Meerub couldn't help but wonder what he was trying to do in a flower shop...
what could you possibly do in a flower shop... before a date?? ... wait is he....
She thought as it lit up her face with a smile...

She thought excitedly as a wide smile creeped up her face..
Tho her smile faded not much later as she facepalmed herself thinking..
Obviously hes getting flowers yaar! What else do you do in a flower shop???? Ya Allah khair main kab se itni slow hogai???
She thought as it literally took about half a minute to figure out what he went do in a flower shop on a date...

It was a true fact that her mind went completely blank when it had anything to do with him...
Nevertheless a smile graced her lips once again as she gazed out the window bursting with excitement as she felt butterflys erupt in her stomach from anticipation...
It didnt take long before the car door opened up and murtasim took his seat now holding a bouquet of fresh pink and white roses filling the car with the intoxicating scent...

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