😏71) good morning...!😏

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Stirring in the deep slumber she fell in, meerub, shifting gently in her sleep and sinking into the softness of the covers beneath her comfortably, when the warmth of the morning sunlight soon came shimmering into the silence of the room, the warm rays hitting her eyes which rested fluttered closed as the disturbance in her comfortable sleep soon brought the small of meerubs nose to scrunch up...

Her pink stained lips parting as a gentle sigh of annoyance soon escaped her despite her stirring and foggy mind, the warmth coating her face when shining in through the windows bringing the girl to unknowingly pout while shifting and squirming in attempts to move away from the direct light...

Yet admist her gentle movements over the plush mattress, a soft and familiar tone came booming and bringing meerubs brows to furrow...


Came the call of her name, soft yet feeling too real to ignore as the girl found her brows knotting in confusion...


There the gentle call came once more, a recognizable tone, bringing the foggy mind of the girl to register this as her regular routine of being awoken by anila as a soft sigh escaped her lips when the girl sunk deeper into the plush of the mattress below with a gentle pout of annoyance...

When suddenly, admist her adjusting and soft movement when her foggy mind went on to block out the call, a booming and much louder yell came and alert her ears...


And those were the very words, ringing through her awaking, foggy mind and bringing the girl to snap out of slumber in no less then a moment, her eyes flinging open as the girl felt her form jerk awake and alert while her heart gave a gentle thump of surprise...

The pink of her lips parting and breaths coming in harsh as the first thought meerubs foggy mind conjured up was to jump and rush over to get ready as it seemed she had gotten late once more...

Yet to her surprise and just throwing the stirring girl into further confusion, meerubs malfunctioning mind took a few moments as her wide flung eyes darted around to process the scene which was most definitely not her room...

The sheer of the semi net curtains over the large window just infront of the girl let open as the warm, early morning sun came glittering through, the sweet scent of fresh roses wafting through the room just to hit her nose as meerubs brows furrowed when taking in the sight...

Her lips parting and wide eyes rapidly darting around to process the scene as the cool of the air conditioning soon came brushing against her creamy skin sending a shiver through her...

Yet as her foggy mind went on to register the scene, a gentle shift of a warm hand splayed over her clothed stomach from behind soon brought the girl to jerk awake and fully alert when realization set in the form of racing goosebumps...


Thought the girl as her breath hitched, meerub stilling and completely freezing in her place when registering the situation and regaining all senses as her position set in bringing her heart to thump uncontrollably...

Meerub, dressed in the bright pinks of a kurti, her hair left open and splayed to the plush pillow below, lay over the soft covers of his bed, facing the window which the gold of sunlight shone through, while the slumbering murtasim, adorned in a simple kurta, lay just behind, her back pressed to the hard of his chest while his arms wrapped tight to the small of the girls waist, his warm hands splayed to her clothed stomach while his face nuzzled to the softness of her hair, their legs tangled as meerubs breathing had simply come to a halt, her senses kicking in along with the realization of the proximity as the girl felt her stomach give an unbearable twist...

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