😘57) jeet...😘

527 32 41

The warmth of his hand grabbing tight at hers as just as meerub attempted to rush into the havaili, she found her eyes growing wide and flooding with surprise when she went tumbling over just to be further dumbstruck when finding herself face to face with murtasim who leaned back on a pillar just next to the door...

His face painted with mischief as his eyes gleamed with tease, a wicked smirk playing over his lips as the eyes of the two locked. On the other hand, meerub somehow controlled her form from tumbling onto him as she now stood mere inches away, her lips parted, mind racing and wide eyes darting over his face in surprise while murtasim still held tight to her hand...

Meerub: t-tum...
The words left her lips in a whisper of surprise, meerubs heart beginning to thud softly while her face shaded a pink hue in the embarrassment that took over her from the thought of murtasim hearing the conversation, tho his smirk only seemed to grow from the words as he tipped his face to the side in a cheeky manner...
Meerub: t-tum kab aye...?!
Questioned meerub after taking a gulp, straightening up and furrowing her brows in attempts to contain composure to which murtasim, while pouting his lips and putting on a casual demeanor, with his eyes lit up from a teasing idea spoke up...

Murtasim: main tou... bas abhi aya hu!
Bluffed the now smiling murtasim, wagging his brows to meerub as her eyes darted over his face rapidly at the words...
Murtasim: wo main... arsal ko dhund raha tha!
He swiftly bluffed once more, a cheeky smirk playing on murtasims lips to which meerub simply gulped when believing the bluff...

Murtasim: laikin... tum kahan bhag rahi thi...?
The swift yet teasing question left his lips accompanied by the tilt of his head, arching a brow while narrowing his eyes down at the girl, murtasim watched with his mind racing from tease as meerubs face dropped from the words before her own mind began to speed up...
Meerub: wo... mujhey mama ne bulaya tha...!
The first words and bluff that rushed through her mind left meerubs lips that curled to a small, sheepish smile to which murtasim, while pouting once more nodded softly and let out a hum...

Murtasim: acha tou...
He began softly, his lips tugging to a smirk once more as he swiftly softened his hold on her hand before gesturing for her to enter the havaili first...
Murtasim: after you...!
He spoke with a smile, arching a brow to meerub who's gaze darted over him awkwardly before with gulp and once realizing what he actually meant, she averted her gaze and rushed into the havaili, scrunching up her reddening face in embarrassment of the scene as she mentally cursed herself for her awkward demeanor, while murtasim, with his wicked smirk growing wide, slowly trailed behind while shaking his head...


The day had fled by at the havaili as night fell soon enough, the rest of the day had passed quite stressful and a bit embarrassing for meerub as her mind kept rewinding to the event of the patio, being unsure and doubtful if murtasim had heard or not took over her racing mind the rest of the day while the cheeky glances he would pass her throughout just ignited the embarrassment within her...

It was late at night once most of the havaili had already fell asleep, the gleaming moon casting a blue hue over the havaili terrace where meerub, with a pout adorning her lips and eyes wide yet flooded with confusion stood leaning against the railing, biting hard on the inside of her cheek, meerub took deep sighs every now and then when feeling blank on what to do next...

When just as she threw her head back, gazing to the sky scattered with stars with a soft cry of annoyance leaving her, soft footsteps along with a familiar call of her name brought meerubs eyes to shoot wide and dart to the terrace door where murtasim walked in...
Murtasim: meerub?
Her name left him laced in surprise, his hands held in his pockets as murtasim, with his steps slow and brows knotted from confusion walked in eyeing the slightly frazzled meerub who straightened up upon his arrival...

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